The Stream. || Chapter 25

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| Michael's pov |
He looks between Ashley and I.
"Where's Jen?"
"What do you care?"
He shoots the spot next to me.
"Not the time Clifford, where is she?"
I don't say anything and neither does Ashley.
She's trying to figure out who it is.
He turns to her.
"Who the fuck are you- Ashley? I thought Ashton- fucking Ashton I'm going kill him."
There's yelling.
"Well since you won't tell, I guess you're coming with me, to show me."
He looks at what I'm hooked up to.
Pulling the fire extinguisher from the wall, he throws it down with all his force into the chain.
It breaks.
Leaving half of it on my ankle still.
"Can you walk?"
I try to stand, but I yelp in pain.
He pulls me up.
Injecting me with something in the back of my neck.
"How about we try this again. Where's Jen?"
| Luke's pov |
His eyes turn black.
He points up.
"In the ducts."
I push him, so he falls.
Another crack comes from under him.
It comes from Ashley.
I turn to look at here.
I shake my head.
"He's alive, but barely."
I laugh.
She shakes her head.
"You're just like them."
"I was one of the people that made them."
Her eyes grow wide.
"Who do you think built this lab? I was here when everything went insane, I know these things, they obey me."
Ashley thinks for a moment.
"Wait, then that makes you old, like super old. This lab went down in 1978."
I put the gun up to her head.
"I should've killed you when I had the chance, the first time. Did you find it? The stream? Did you feel it burn your skin everywhere, and then year after year, when you didn't age at all, you started to connect the dots. The stream you fell in, wasn't regular water, it was an experiment."
She's about to speak but I pull the trigger.
I look over at Michael.
He's awake.

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