Safe. || Chapter 4

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I've got to get out of here.
I open the closet door, but there's a bang.
A gun shot.
My heart rate speeds up.
I close the closet door.
He's going to kill me.
He'll torture me
I hear foot steps.
I look around me to see a weapon, but instead I see a few misplaced board.
I slide it open.
The bedroom door opens.
-Ashton's pov-
I open the bedroom door, waiting to see y/n.
I walk towards the closet.
She's not there.
Papers and photographs are scattered everywhere.
The list.
She's been here.
-Jen's pov-
I walk down the steps and into a dark room.
Turning on my phones flashlight.
I look around.
3 metal tables are there.
3 carts filled with gloves, scalpels, a saw, and dried blood, are on them.
This is where he killed them.
I turn around slowly and bump into something.
A body.
A hand covers my mouth before I can scream.
"Don't say anything."
I look up and see blue eyes.
It's not Ashton.
He removes his hand from my mouth.
"W-who are you?"
"Luke. Luke hemmings."
He puts his hand out for a shake.
I gladly take it.
"I'm jen."
I look around.
"So how did you end up down here?"
He looks around.
"My sister. My sister dated Ashton and one day she went missing. I came here, but no one was home. The door was unlocked, so I came to see if she came here. I searched Ashton's room and fell down the patch, I've been hiding whenever he comes down here. His sister, lauren, found me. She brings down food and water."
"Why won't she help you escape?"
"Because he'd kill her too."
I take a step back.
"He's dangerous Jen"
"D-did you find your sister? I m-mean like down here."
He nods his head, to the body I just ran into.
"That's my sister."
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't be. I was too late anyway."
The lights turn on, and Luke grabs my hand.
Pulling me toward the cement wall.
There's a brick out of place and another one then it opens.
"Climb in."
He re-stacks the bricks and that's when the door opens.
"Oh jen. I know you're down here."
He starts kicking the wall.
Heavy breathing.
About 3 bricks away.
Luke looks at me and puts his finger up to his mouth.
Its silent.
"Ashton! Moms looking for you! Cmon!"
He groans and walks back up the steps.
The light goes off and we wait.
"We're safe, for now."

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