Feelings. || Chapter 10

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|Ashton's POV|
"You fucking idiot! "
I storm into the lab downstairs.
Luke's sitting at his desk and he stands up.
"What's wrong with you?"
I grab him by the shirt.
He pulls my hands away.
"I did what you, asked for."
He pokes my chest with every word.
"I didn't want to send her out there!"
"You asked me to scare her, you want her to come running to you. If you hadn't let her hide in your room, seeing what all we've done, maybe this-"
I shake my head.
"No, you did this. You killed all those people, this is a sport to you."
I shake my head an start walking up the steps.
"Where are you going?"
"To go get her."
| Calum's pov |
He stands still.
He twitches, then falls backwards, on to the ground.
He starts foaming out of his mouth, and Jen runs over.
"He's having a seizures, Calum what do we do?"
I look at her.
"Yell his name again."
"When you told him to stop, you took him out of whatever trance he was in, yell his name."
She kneels down beside him.
He stops.
His body relaxes.
Eyes still shut.
"I-is is he dead?"
I look at her and watch as tears start to brim her eyes.
I look back down at Michael.
His chest is still moving up and down. I check for a pulse.
"There's something there. He's alive."
She hugs me, and for the first time since I've been here, I feel safe.
Oooooo cal pal has a little crush. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS AKSHSHDHDH ILY - Jen

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