Who? || Chapter 14

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| Ashton's pov |
I park the vehicle and hop off.
Looking for a sign they've been here.
I look at the small stream next to me and see something floating.
A water bottle.
That's weird.
Unless Luke sent someone else out.
I pick it up.
Un-screwing the lid I smell the inside.
But the body should be near here.
I follow the stream upward, with the 4-wheeler.
| Jen's pov |
Calum's grip tightens around me, as Michael steps away from the wall.
"What the hell."
"We need to get out of here."
The sound echoing off the walls.
Calum and Michael stand in front of me.
A girl.
Around our age steps out.
Eyes narrowed.
"Who are you?" She sneers.
Clothes ripped.
Dirt everywhere.
Calum grabs ahold of my waist and pulls me close to him.
She looks closely at all of us, but even more on Michael.
Very short chapter! Sorry about that 😅- Jen

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