Sick. || Chapter 23

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| Luke's pov |
I reach the main doors of the lab and see they're already open.
I get out of the car and grab the gun.
Filling up my pockets with amo.
I leave the flashlight.
I start walking.
| Calum's pov |
Jen's being shivering for the past 2 hours.
She's curled up on me.
"When was the last time you all had water?"
I look from her to him.
"5 hours ago."
He reaches into his backpack?
"When did you-"
"I always keep it on, just in case."
He pulls out 2 water bottles.
"I only have 2."
He shrugs.
I drink a quarter of it and nudge Jen.
She stirs.
"It's water, drink up."
She only takes a little.
Ashton holds his hand out to put it back in his bag.
Jen's still shivering.
She cuddles back up into me.
"Jen, are you cold?"
She looked at him and rolled his eyes.
"No, I'm serious, when did you start to get extremely cold?"
She thinks for a bit.
"After we got locked in here."
I feel her forehead.
"You're burning up."
She looks up.
"You're freezing cold, your clothes are soaked, you have a fever, does anything on your body hurt?"
She nods her head.
She lifts up her shirt, revealing an almost black section of skin.
Ashton nods his head.
"Heat. We need to get you warm."
She nods.
"Take your clothes off."
"Now listen Irwin-"
"Relax Calum, we need to heat up the area and take off her wet clothes."
She strips.
"Alright, Calum take your shirt off and put your body next to the black area."
I do as instructed.
He got on the other side of her.
"Warming up?"
She looks at me and cracks a smile.
"A l-little."
I fall asleep like that.
Holy shitttttttt 15k reads!! Thanks! - Jen

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