There's a darker side that we can't see

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Laying on our backs under the starry night
I touched your hand and sensed your delight
"Are you staring at the moon thats out of your reach"
'I am staring at the one lying on this beach'

I had always questioned the moon's perfection
As to why in men it ignites affection
Maybe it maintaind its distance to be constantly appreciated
Living far in the sky in the bubble it created

'The tides in my heart rise and fall
Trying to you reach to you the waves stand tall
Tell me why instead you stay so far
Your love for me is never at par'

Unaware comparing the moon and me
There's a darker side that you can't see
Where fear, insecuries and self torture resides
Suppressed though strong my nights it presides

'You vanish on days i miss you the most
In your absence my heart turns into frost
Whoever said love amplifies on separation
Has probably never sensed my desperation'

Some days disconnected i start to deplete
From the face of earth partially or complete
My shine is fake, i stole from the sun
When the light is blocked, from you, i run

'I can never seem to read you by books
You mermerize me just by your looks
Levelling my heart to give the love you deserve
But you seem to repel it, i do observe'

Hiding myself from prying eyes
Draped in a blanket full of lies
I never turn, conscious not to reveal
My darkness should never bypass my zeal

'Inspite of that i love you still
Till death makes us part up and untill'
"Are you offended by my long still silence"
'I am offended you thought i would take offence'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2024 ⏰

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