Online Class

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1 hour
It seemed so long but an hour it was
Staring at the screen without any pause
The browser window bordered in gray
Kept changing slides as times passed away

I sat back in my chair with my arms crossed
My body was here but my essence was lost
The professors voice rang in my ears
The tale he was narrating deemed me fierce

The rounded icons blinked in blue
As my batchmates blasted answers they knew
But i was oblivious to the question asked
My studious days were deep in the past

I checked at the time again and again
Vacant though tired was my brain
Whenever it seemed an eternity has passed
When i looked at the clock my hopes were trashed

Anticipating an assignment was on the way
I checked the channel right away
And my worst nightmare did come true
What to write in the sheet i had no clue

It was above time the class should end
But on the mood of the proffessor it did depend
The dreadful tale had finally finished
But another class i had my spirit was diminished

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