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"Hey Daffy!!" The colored haired boy slumped down in the desk next to me as he harshly ruffled my neatly combed hair.

"Is that Daffy you're talking to?!" The asian boy ran in while he gave me a hard slap on my back. "Hey man whatsup?"

I scooted forward in my chair as I looked down at the writing on the desk in front of me. I studied it hard as if I was really interested in what exactly was written on there.

Suddenly an arm came around my neck as I was pulled back into someones chest. I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me. I was currently in a headlock right now.

"Relax Daffy Duck, I was just giving you a kind hug." a low voice chuckled behind me as he trailed his finger down my shoulder and swiped my shirt down.

I was stiff as the blue eyed boy smirked at me. Out of all the 4 bullies I was terrified of him the most. It all started with him in Sophomore year.


I quickly fixed my perfect french braid as I shut my locker door and peered over at the blue eyed boy. My heart fluttered as he was laughing at something Calum was telling him.

His gaze shifted as he caught me staring and gave me a light smile. I was the new girl, and as always I hadn't gained any friends yet.

Calum's eyebrow furrowed as he followed Luke's gaze. His eyes widened as they switched back to Luke. He quickly whispered something to him as his eyes widened.

"Oh my god ew!" he yelled instantly glaring at me. My breath caught in my throat.

How the hell did Calum know I liked Luke?

"She's so ugly!" he yelled even louder as people gave him amusing stares.

My heart dropped as the two turned to look at me. Calum smirked as Luke only made a disgusted face.

Oh shit.

Ohhhh shit.

End of Flashback:

And even still then he made my knees weak and I would never be able to move. And now all 4 boys knew my weakness. So as always they would be immature perverts and basically make fun of me.

I sighed in frustration as I let my straight hair fall in front of my eyes again. My english teacher, Mr. Reed, finally walked in as he suspiciously gazed around the room through the rim of his glasses. He stopped in his tracks as he eyed the boys surrounding me.

"Is something wrong Miss. Greenly?" he questioned giving me a disgusted glare.

"N-no." I stuttered as his frown only deepened.

"Is there a reason that you are trying to atttact these boys with your.." he made a disgusted face, "lack of clothing?"

I gave him a confused glance as I gazed down at my clothes. My shirt had completely fallen off one shoulder revealing my cream colored bra while my skirt had risen all the way up to wear my black laced pantie could be seen.

I gasped rolling my skirt back down and pulling my shirt up. It was obvious, while Luke was too busy controlling me with his sexy whispers in my ear the two boys had managed to trail their fingers up my skirt, er pull my skirt up.

Mr. Reed only gave me a cold, hard, disgusted glare which only made me shift uncomfortably.

"You have a warning Miss Greenly." he muttered as the class erupted into small chuckles. My face heated up as I felt Luke's breath on my neck again.

"Mr. Hemmings please sit back in your seat."

"Yes sir Mr. Bossy Pants." he saluted then casually slumped down in his seats. I looked over to see a few girls giggling at him while others glared at me. Pffft if they think he likes me, they should think again.

As Mr. Reed started explaining our assigned homework I heard Luke move his desk forward behind me. Furrowing my eyebrows I scooted to the edge of my seat knowing he was gonna do something.

I froze as I felt his gentle fingers draw circles on the exposed part of my t-shirt on my back, which may I add was very much exposed from the back.

I felt the need to slap his filthy hand away but I couldn't help but feel a feeling of warmth and butterflies in my stomach.

He leaned closer brushing my hair forward as his hot breath tickled my bony collar bone. "You're quite skinny Daffy."

I shuttered inching forward in my seat the words playing in my mind. I waited as the next set of words escaped his plump lips. "Are you...what's the word...anorexic?"

I gulped wanting the ground to just swallow me up any second now but sadly it didn't budge.

"Mr. Hemmings!"

Luke jumped back in his seat as his eyes widened peering up at the bald headed guy.

"Yes?" Luke snapped which only made Mr. Reed grow angrier.

"Out." He demanded. Luke shrugged standing up immediately.

"I was gonna leave anyway but thanks for the permission." Luke smiled as he gave Calum and Michael a look of determination and a sly smile. They only smirked as I looked between the three quite confused. Luke caught my eye as he narrowed his eyes giving me a smirk then licked his lips. My heart pounded as I gazed down at the writing below me, my hair falling over my eyes.

Out of all the girls, why does he have to tease me?


"How was school?" My mom asked as I walked in finally tucking my hair behind me ear. I wanted to say 'crappy as always' but I gave her a light smile and murmured,

"The usual."

"Is that good or bad?" she chuckled jokingly.

I shrugged, "It's just normal." I chuckled placing my bag on the ground.

"Alright." she smiled. "Go get ready the new family will he here in about 3 hours, dress nice and...how bout you do a little makeup?"

"Really?" My eyes brightened to which she shrugged and nodded as a smile formed on her face.

"I think you would look adorable."

I rolled my eyes chuckling, "Finally." I breathed to myself. I was always the simple casual girl in my family but that didn't mean that once in awhile I wanted to dab some makeup on too.

I dashed up the stairs pulling out a dress and before I knew it the doorbell was ringing.

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