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"Alright class open your textbooks to page 154 and read till 167 the questions at the end will be your homework."

I sighed in relief. This was way better than sitting and listening to her talk for what seemed like hours.

Surprisingly, the 'band' was quiet today. They didn't bother me or throw insults or make fun of me which made me feel relaxed.

For once I had my space.

Silently I opened my textbook amd flipped to page 154 scanning the words and focusing on its explanation.

Suddenly i felt a nudge next to me as I mentally slapped myself for jinxing myself. Of course they're not quiet. Why would they leave me alone?

I turned my head towards Michael bracing myself with his insults as usual.

"I forgot my textbook can I use yours?"

The way he looked at me made me see something in his eyes. Like he was searching for something. He scanned me down ever so often as he would then stare dead straight lost in thought. But he wouldn't know it's Daphne.

Cause Daphne where's green contacts and I wear glasses. Simple as that.

"Sure." I muttered. After hanging out with Michael more often I've come to found myself more relaxed now that I know him. And now my confidence boosts even more.

I slid my textbook to the side as he scooted his desk over lightly trying not to catch attention. Thankfully, he caught no attention. We worked silently and surprisingly the day went by so smooth i didn't even notice.


"Hey." I murmured sitting down next to Jade as she sat at her usual spot at the park after school.

She nodded at me looking quite annoyed.

"Whatsup?" I uttered trying to break the uncomfortable silence. She shrugged in deep thought shifting slightly away from me.


"Just leave me alone Daffodil I-" she stopped mid sentence then sighed and stood up.

"Just...leave me alone." With that she silently walked away. I didn't stand up. I knew she needed her space. But never had she been this seriously pissed at me.

What did I do wrong?


I sat silently scribbling down the answers from the questions on page 168. My head snapped up as heard light taps on the window beside me. Furrowing my eyebrows i lifted the window and looked ahead to see the bright haired boy grinning at me from his window as he picked up pebbles from his window sill.

I laughed, "Do you collect pebbles so you can throw them at my window every time?"

"Pretty much." he shrugged chuckling then sitting on his window sill.

"So whatsup?"

"Just homework." I shrugged.

He nodded staring me ever so often tossing a pebble up and down in his hand. There was an awkward silence as I just stared at the kids messing around down the block.

"Well," I stuttered awkwardly, "I gotta go bye!"

And with that I slammed my window closed and slid the curtains carelessly whilst flopping down on my bed and letting out and exhausted sigh.

Somehow I managed to pull this whole act off. At school just flick hair in front of face and dress normal. Not at school, wear contacts, wear hair back, and wear more attractive clothes.

But when I'm at home and I wake up some days Mikey throws pebbles as my window. So i have to quickly get and tie my hair in a bun then quickly put my contacts in.

Little did I know that things would start to deepen.


"Hi." he smiled leaning on the frame of my front door.

"What brings you to my front door Clifford?"

"I just wanted to hang out with my best friend that's all."

"Oh." I smiled, "I wonder where they are." I looked around my house jokingly as his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Hmm I don't know. I was wondering maybe they lived in this specific house?"

I stepped out and closed the door behind me making sure my phone was in my pocket.

"Where are we going?"

"Just a place I wanted to show you."

I nodded as we hopped in his car amd drove out to the middle of nowhere.

"Again, where are we going?" I chuckled.

"Away from the city so we can actually see the stars."

"We could've watched them on my roof-"

"Hush child."

I kept quiet as he stopped in front of a big field.

"Follow me."

As the sun started to set he led me up the hill grasping my hand tightly. His grasp was firm and he didn't let go. My heart pounded. I had a wierd feeling. Maybe I was scared. I didn't know what.

We sat silently at the top watching the sun set.

"It's beautiful." I smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you." He turned to me and I instantly grew red. He leaned in to me as my heart pounded and spoke with passion making my heart shatter yet melt at the same time.

He said to me how beautiful and kind I was. He described me as smart and funny and beautiful even in the dark. He described me that even in tje amount of darkness that we were in I still shined like star twinkling in the sky.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I flinched. There was one thing same about Daffodil amd Daphne. They're insecurities.

"Don't hide." he whispered, "you're beautiful just the way you are."

My thoughts went back to class as Luke had done the same actions except throwing insults.

"Keep hiding your ugly face you ugly slut."

I shivered as tears brimmed my eyes. But it was fine cuz he couldn't see my tearful eyes in the dark. He took in every inch of my face and in that moment he locked our lips. It was passionate and yet gentle. I gently broke away feeling my heart beat rise. I knew what he would say. And I didn't know what I would say. All I know is that my heart would shatter and I would probably sob when I get home.

"I really like you." he concluded as I placed my head on his shoulder.

"So, be my girlfriend?"

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