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When you open your eyes to find yourself completely naked on a kitchen floor while being shaken awake by another half naked boy, you now know that you've really screwed up.

I was being literally slapped on the cheek as Luke hovered above me with wide eyes.

"Wake up and get your clothes on. It literally took me ten minutes to make you open your eyes." he hissed as I squinted my eyes and groaned feeling the throbbing pain shoot up in my legs.

"Well good morning to you too." I mumbled as I pulled my shirt and jeans on. I honestly felt really gross and...used.

Within moments, Luke was dragging me out the door as customers slowly started to walk in. They gave me weird glances. I frowned and glanced back as I watched Luke scamper back into the kitchen.

That's when I heard yelling in the back and then a loud, "YOU'RE FIRED."

The customers looked back in confusion as I cringed. This was all my fault.
All my fault.

What. Have I done?


"YOU WHAT?" Jade shrieked as I bit the inside of my lip and covered my ears.

I looked down in shame as she paced around in her bedroom.

"I know I'm sorr-"

"Say that to Michael Clifford's face." she snapped.

"You went to fucking far Daffodil TOO far!"

"I know."

"And you lost your VIRGINITY to a guy YOU'RE NOT even DATING!" she spat.

"I know I was there."

"Don't be a fucking smart ass Daffodil. Cause you're in some deep shit."

"I am aware." I muttered through gritted teeth. She was really getting on my nerves.


"What did you call me?" I snapped my head up as she stopped in her tracks.

"You're a slut."

It was crazy cause her and I both knew she never slut shamed.

"How am I slut?" I remained calm. So calm I even surprised myself.

"You just are." Jade shrugged as my blood boiled.

"You lost your virginty when you were 15 and I'M the slut?" I raised an eyebrow.

She shoved her phone in my face.

There were many reasons I hated social media.

And there were also many reason why I hated Calum Hood. The rumors all started with Luke texting Calum, 'i had sex with daphne and she got me fired. Bitch.'

"Get. Out."

I didn't fight back. I didn't have the strength to say no. That that was wrong. That the rumors were all a big lie. But I couldn't because it was all true. And it was all my fault.

So I left as she practically shoved me out and I felt the tears prick my eyes. The only advantage I really had was going to school as myself and not Daphne.

Everybody hated Daphne not Daffodil. But Jade hated Daphne AND Daffodil.

There was only one thing I could do. Runaway from my problems.



"Daff?" my mom singsonged as she legit twirled around the kitchen while cooking. She was so graceful.

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