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"Daff go get the door!" I nodded clamping my flats down the stairs and straightening my dress. I fixed my curled hair which was pinned back and made sure my makeup was on point. Damn i did that wing pretty good on the eye liner.

I threw on a smile as I opened the door revealing a middle aged couple and a boy standing behind them.

"Hi! Welcome welcome!" My mom ran up behind me as she lightly pushed me to the side.

"Hello Natalie!" the woman greeted as the couple gave me small smile and followed my mom to the living room. I peered out the door to see a familiar colored haired boy fiddling with his dress shirt.

My eyes widened as I fixed my posture not bothering to flick my hair in front of my eyes since it was pinned back. He looked up his eyes locking with mine. His expression didn't really shift, that was until his eyes trailed down my body the look in his eyes turning to pure awe.

My mom popped her head out of the kitchen doorway, "Daff why don't you show the boy up to your room?" she smiled. I nodded shakily gesturing for him to come in and follow me up the stairs.

His eyes widened as we walked into my room a look of interest swam in his eyes as a smile pulled at his lips when he spotted my acoustic guitar.

"Im Michael." he smiled holding a hand out. My eyebrows knitted in confusion. Is he pretending not to know me? Or does he really not recognize...


"Uh...I'm Daf-" I stopped abruptly as he only gave me a questioning glance.

"Daph-ne....yeah I'm Daphne." I smiled as he nodded cheekily.

"Cute name." he laughed.

What am I doing? My thoughts confused me yet made me feel a wierd bubble of relaxation. I felt relaxed. But why?

I nodded fake chuckling while hesitantly shaking his hand. He sat down and pointed to my guitar.

"You play?" he questioned to which I nodded gently. Hey, at least that wasn't a lie.

"Why don't you show me?"

To be honest I was feeling really uncomfortable. This side of Michael was so new to me. It was practically scaring me. Like what if he was pretending to not know me?

"Im a little rusty." I lied.

"Can't be that bad." he chuckled grabbing the instrument.

"Do you play?" I questioned even though I already knew. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Yes! I'm actually in a band!"

"Really? That's so cool!" I squeaked, there goes another lie.

"I know." he laughed giving the guitar a light strum.

"Then, I suggest you play for me." I smiled gesturing for him to play. He only shrugged and shut his eyes in pure thought.

"Give me a song." he murmured suddenly.

"Uhhhh Lego House by Ed Sheeran?"

He smiled, "Perfect."

The music started and honestly I watched in awe. Then somehow his voice echoed throughout the walls and I found myself singing along.

"Im gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house."

His smile only grew wider which made my cheeks flush. Then we were singing together.

As soon as we finished we both simultaneously murmured, "You're really good."

Chuckling I stood up and set the guitar back  in its place.

"So I've never seen you around at Norwest." Michael murmured whilst fixing his hair. I gulped and internally I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

"Yeah uh I'm not around much..." I trailed. Fuck. That was the worst lie ever.

"Im a senior." I added. He raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yeah and I have all AP classes and such." I grew confident cause I knew Michael wasn't very smart. Though I wasn't a senior I was in the same year as him.

He nodded as his mouth formed into an 'o' shape.

"That's why we don't know each other." We both chuckled as my heart race slowed in relief.

"Guys come down for dinner!" My mom shouted from below. I nodded at Michael as he followed me down. My heart sped up again. I just hoped his parents wouldn't ask me questions in front of mine.

Boy was I wrong.


"What's your name?" Mrs. Clifford smiled as I sat down. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my parents walk through the kitchen doorway.

"Uh...you can call me Daph," I smiled, "it's a nickname."

She nodded chuckling lightly. "You seem like a smart kid."

"Oh she is." My dad laughed while setting a pan on the table. "She's daddy's smart little girl." he teased.

"Dad." I blushed as Michael laughed next to me.

"Your parents are so kind." Michael laughed as he dug into the spaghetti. I rolled my eyes as I chuckled. I really liked this side of Michael. Forget the fact that parents are kind, Michael himself was so kind. What did he even have against me at school?

Soon after dinner was finished and thankfully I wasn't asked any personal questions just hobbies and stuff I aim to he when I grow up which wasn't that hard to lie.

We were chilling up in my room again and I watched as Michael tapped his fingers on his phone. A cheeky smile was plastered on his face as he typed furiously, most likely texting Luke.

Damn my stomach still bounces even saying his name.




Damn. It works. My stomach still feels wierd like a bunch of butterflies will burst out of my stomach.

"Your cheeks are flushing tomatoe red what are you thinking about?" Michael laughed while glancing up from his phone. I shrugged as I felt myself blush even more.

"Oh Daphne?"

"Y-yes?" I stuttered. The name was so different it felt wierd to respond to it, especially because of the fact that it was my name.

"Can i have your number?"

"Sure." I smiled lightly as we traded phones. As I typed my digits in, hesitantly I wrote my name as Daph.

As Michael gave me a genuine smile deep down I felt a wave of guilt. Even though this colored haired boy gives me so much shit and it would be fun to trick I couldn't help but feel this wierd feeling.

It's just, plain guilt.

Do u guys like the name Daffodil or is it wierd?

In this story Norwest is a highschool instead of college so yaa.

Vote && comment plzzz

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