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last chapter before epilogue!!!!

The minute I heard Abby's snores from next to me, I sat up in bed pulling my laptop out from underneath. I knew she wouldn't spy or anything I just didn't want her around curious as to what I was watching. It was dark so I couldn't read the back of the dvd so I quietly opened the case and pulled out the cd.

I plugged in my best headphones and braced myself for some trick that Deme was probably playing on me. It seemed that he wasn't lying though.

The screen popped up to a boy with jet black hair and an eyebrow piercing. I furrowed my eyebrows. I could recognize that face anywhere.
No. Can't be. But he looked so much like him. I shook it off as he began speaking right away.

"I want this to be the start. Now plug in the dvd. Hi. Welcome to the 5 Seconds of Summer dvd. Be warned. There will be lots of f*cks...lots of f*cks...lots of sh*ts. and lots of...us?"

Music began and a string of about 4 names flashed but went away in an instant but I had already read two names. Michael Clifford. Ashton Irwin. I paused the movie and rewinded.

Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin.

"What the hell?" I whispered turning the volume up louder.

This was insane.
This can't be.
They made it.

I shut my laptop off about an hour and a half later and sat there in pure silence. It felt like I had missed out on so much. There was dry mascara on my cheeks from when I had watched Calum burn his arm slightly followed by Michael burning his head.

I had stray tears still watching Luke watch his old videos of himself. They had changed so much. They were definitely more stronger and man they were famous. Their music was insanely good. I couldn't believe it, they hadn't just made it, it's as if they went more far and beyond their dreams. I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Ashton wrapping his arm around a blonde headed girl.

I set my laptop down under my bed and layed down replaying the scenes from the movie in my head.

"They really made it." I whispered to myself not even believing my own words. They had done it. And I knew Mikey was far past our relationship. I was sure they all thought of me as a loser now. Just some cheater from their old hometown. I noticed Luke had changed a lot too. For better. They had tattoos and luke had a lip ring. Even Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low was in the movie.

I realized I recognized the song amnesia from hearing it on the radio once or twice and I'm pretty sure I heard She Looks So Perfect in a store or something.

I didn't sleep the rest of the night.

1 month later

A knock was placed at my door on a Friday morning. I know Abby doesn't knock and she sleeps till very late when she sleeps in her boyfriends dorm. So I hesitantly walked over and opened it rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My brother Demetrius was standing smiling and waving two tickets in front of my face. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh hi? Did you skip your classes today?"

"Yup." he smirked inviting himself inside and plopping himself down on Abby's bed.

"Uh why?" I crossed my arm over my chest knowing I wasn't wearing a bra inside.

"Cause we have to drive three hours. Tomorrow is the day!" Deme grinned waving the tickets again. I walked over finally snatching the tickets from him and read it.

5 Seconds of Summer.

I choked. "You got tickets?!"

"I didn't just get them Daff, they were sent to me."


"I think they sent them to us." he smiled.

"But how do they know where you live and all and-"

"Daff. Maybe if we just go to the damn concert then all our questions will be answered."

"But you weren't even friends with them." I raised an eyebrow again.

"I was with Ashton. At school though."

I nodded biting my lip. My heart sped up suddenly. Not only was I gonna see the boys again, but this was my first concert and I didnt know any of their songs.

"I don't even know any of their songs." I spoke a loud my thoughts.

"That's why I brought their album so we can listen to their songs on the way."

I bit my lip in thought once again as Deme stared at me.

"Listen Daff, I'm not gonna force you. I can just go back to my dorm and invite my girlfriend but my mind just told me to take you because it felt more right even though that sounds rude to her. You know the boys. She doesn't. We have a history with them, but mostly you."

"You're not using me right?"

"Nope. So will you go?" he smiled eagerly.

"Alright." I looked down. "But how far are our seats?"

"Not far at all."

"What do you mean?"

"We're right in front of the stage."


"This one's called Long Way Home." Deme read off the cd. I remembered that from the dvd. I nodded staring out the window my hair blowing in the wind. The temperature was beautiful out. I recognized the voice that immediately filled my ears.

"Luke." I mumbled under my breath but Deme had heard.

"Yeah him." he chuckled glancing over for a second. I sighed a little closing my eyes. I was scared. They probably hated me. But everyone changes right? We pulled up in front of our hotel an hour or so later.

Tomorrow I was gonna see them. For the first time in 3 years.

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