beat number 17

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" I think I like him , a lot ! More like falling for him " I said biting my lower lip and Lucas rolled his eyes . " didn't I tell you to not take off the ring ?" He said and I blushed flashing him the necklace . " what the hell !" Lucas said with a serious expression . " are you sure that you didn't take off that ring today ?" He asked me and I nodded . " then tell me what happened today " he said in a challenging tone . " well , I got dressed and he was standing on the tree as he always does . We went to the super market and I ... and we ... "  . " see ! I told you . Why did you take it off ?" He said angry and i immediately said " i replaced the chocolate with cigarettes . nothing happened , believe me ! "  . He sighed deeply then before saying " can you just stop going out with him ?" . " are you kidding me ? I just told you that I love the guy and you tell me to stop going out with him ? And who are you , My dad ? " . " i'm your best friend ! The guy is full of shit and lies ! You aren't the only one he goes out with !" He screamed and my heart skipped a beat . " what have you just said ? " said i more like a whisper and he sighed then looked at the stable saying " let's go talk there so no one will hear us " he said and I objected yelling " no , tell me what do you have now !" . " he came to the cafe that we work in 3 times with 3 different girls . I warned you from the beginning but you never listened . i thought hiding it from you is the best option Now I realized that i should've told you earlier , before you love him . I'm so sorry Samantha but this is the truth " Lucas said and I hardly managed to hear him through my laughter . " no Lu , you are not stupid ! It's not your fault ! I'm the stupid one who went out with a liar and believed him ! No sane girl will fall for a guy who scares her !" I said chuckling not believing how stupid i am . " Samantha ! There's something wrong with him not with you . Tell me How does he scare you ?" He asked and i stopped chuckling then sarcastically said " well , count with me : yelling at me for no reason , saying that paranormal creatures exist , his eyes get darker sometimes , my ring hurt him , I forget most of the time I spend with him and he forces me to do things that I do not wanna do yet i just do it and seem pleasant with it . I am just so stupid " . I waved my hand dramatically in the air . " yes you are stupid ! You still don't believe in werewolves?" Lucas screamed in my face and I rolled my eyes . " werewolves do not exist ! And if he was a paranormal creature then I will go with a vampire not a werewolf !" I said crossing my arms over my chest . " Samantha ! There are just two choices . The first is hang out with him and let your curiosity kill you and the other is listen to me and stop seeing him " . " in a crazy world of choices you only gave me two ? " I asked in disbelief and he did not reply . " well , it's my life and I will do whatever I want which is .. hang out with him " I told him and entered the house without taking one glance at him .

I was setting in the room waiting for Lucas to go to his place so i will avoid the awkwardness of seeing him . He is not staying here since he has work tomorrow . since he is not staying here today . It's so late now that i think he had already left . I got up from my bed and went downstairs and headed to the living room . I entered and found my grandma watching TV . " granny ! Can I talk to you for a minute ?" I asked and she turned off the TV turning to me the said " sure cupcake , what do you wanna talk about ?" . " how did you know that I like being called cupcake ?" I asked her and she smiled . " i was calling your mom the same !" She said walking towards the kitchen and I walked after her . " want some tea cupcake ?" She asked and I nodded . " what is it between you guys and the tea ?" I asked chuckling and she turned to me frowning . " what do you mean ?" . " well , british people drink tea , we are american and we usually drink coffee " I stated and she smiled saying " I love tea more " . I kept quite for a while till i remembered something so important . " so grandma , I was wondering if you remember anything about the guy that looks like the mayo's son !" I said acting as cool as I can and she smirked . " I was sure you'll bring it up again . I don't really remember a thing about him but I can give you something that will shut you up " she said and I nodded eager to know what is it . She went towards the stairs and climbed it up to her room . We entered and it was the same as I entered it the fist time . She opened a drawer and took out a photo frame . " what is it ?" I asked frowning and she answered me saying " this is all the answers I have . I know nothing other than that " . She handed me the frame and got out leaving me alone with the frame in her room . I wiped the dust off the frame and it was my grandma when she was young , next to her was ..... Sam ? It was not someone who looked like him , it was him . His face , his eyes , his lips , his hair even the mole on the left side of his face right above his jaw line ! The pic looks so old ! My grandma said she knew him from more than 40 years .
I ran out to the basement where I can find lucas . I hope he did not leave yet ! I can hear my heartbeats clearly . Is he really a vampire ? I do not believe in those things . Maybe he is a demon ! " LUCAS !" I kept yelling his name few times but he did not answer . Maybe he is not in the basement ! I should check the stable . I ran there where he and Mary was talking . " do you realize what you are doing ? It's like he Hypnotizes you ! You hate him and he scares you yet you go out with him ! " I heard him yelling at her but I ignored and ran to him screaming his name . They both turned to look at me but I did not really pay attention to Mary . " Lu , You were right ! He is creepy ! i should have believed you . I never want to go out with him again but he will force me to " I said without taking one breath and did not feel that I was crying till I heard my voice crack . " Sam ! Calm down and tell us what's wrong ?" Mary said calmly while Lucas stood there silent with worried expressions on his face . I handed them the frame and their jaws dropped to the floor . " how old is he !" Lucas whispered while Mary put her hand on her wide open mouth saying " what is the young aunt Carla doing with my boyfriend " .

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