beat number 23

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Four , three , two , one and " i'm done for today !" I announced once I finished the last coffee cup . " why in such hurry ?" Lucas asked me chuckling . " well , today Sam is supposed to take me out " I said singing the last part . Lucas frowned saying " weren't you mad at him ?" . " yes indeed , but he apologized to me yesterday and well , it seems that I forgot to tell you " . " tell me later about both , what happened yesterday and what will happen today " with that he continued working and I went home . I have a pretty good amount of money . I know it will not help my dad in anything but well , at least I have a job and money . " i'm home " I said once I entered the house . " welcome dear ! I made Lasagna " my grandma replied going out of the kitchen . " how did you know I love lasagna ?" I said smiling and she winked at me . We sat together and ate in complete silence till my granny broke it saying " why are you hiding things from me ?" . " excuse me ?" I asked frowning and she took a deep breath then talked again " I saw you many times with the mayor's son and yesterday I heard his voice in your room " . I dropped the fork on the table and was taken back by her reply . " it's not what you think . We just went in few dates together but there's nothing really serious between us " I nervously said . " there's something weird about him . And by the way , I asked robin about the picture " . " really ? What did he say ?" I immediately answered and she shrugged saying " he said and i quote : he looks a lot like his uncle . " she paused to take q breath before saying I don't remember robin having any brothers " . " what do you mean ? " . She stood up from the table and put her plate in the sink . She walked towards the kitchen's door mumbling " just take care " . I put my plate in the sink and went to the corral and from the corral to the stable . It's been a while since I was here . It's been a while since I came to Texas . I have friends now , I have family and well , I think I have Sam . I mean , he said that i'm different and i'm the only one he liked ! He also said he loves me but well , me and him know well that he does not . He must be unable to love ! " your room was dark so I figured you will be here " I heard Sam's voice saying from behind me and I turned to him with a smile . " hi ! Let's go ?" He asked and I mouthed -yeah- . We got in his car and pulled in the drive way . " I do not know why , but i'm so excited for this date " I said grinning and he replied saying " you have to be " then he smiled which was so rare ! " You know how to smile ! I thought you just smirk " I sarcastically said and he frowned at me for a while . " I smirked , I don't usually smile . The last time I smiled in was when I got back to Texas " he replied in a very serious tone . " why ? " . " because I was happy coming back home " he answered not taking his eyes off of the road . " well , you smiled which means you are happy with me " I said smirking and I saw him smiling again in the mirror . He seemed to notice the smile on his face so he quickly smirked . " by the way , you said you are happy to be home again . I thought NYC is your home . I mean you spent your life there " I said frowning and he replied saying " well , I didn't spend my whole life there . I lived in NYC , Pennsylvania , Florida and Georgia but Texas is still my home . What about you ? " . " well , I started to fit here , I mean I have a family and friends so i think we are sharing the same home " I said not very sure and he smirked saying " yeah , I think that too " . " where are you taking me anyways ? " . " showing you my home " he said proudly and the rest of the drive went silent . After a while of driving we stopped infront of a funfair . I turned to Sam with a smile saying " a carnival ? How romantic !" . " i'm the farthest from romance " he said before getting out of the car and of course being the Sam I know , he did not open the door for me . We walked to the ticket booth and Sam paid for us both . " C'mon " he said gently pulling me inside and the idea made me smile . " which ride you want first ?" He asked me and I glanced around to see that there was not a lot of rides actually yet my eyes landed on my favourite one . " this one " I said pointing at the swings and he smirked . We went there and stopped in the line but it was not so long till we entered . We sat and the ride started .
" I was flying ! You saw that ?" I said laughing and waving my arms on the air like they are wings . " yeah I saw you , child " Sam said rolling his eyes . " your turn , pick a ride " I said and he replied without thinking saying " the big wheel " . And he says that i'm child ! We were in our way to the line but suddenly Sam pulled me towards some tent . " what is going on ?" I asked confused but he did not answer instead he smirked . We entered the tent and I chuckled . " really Sam ? House of mirrors ? I thought you are older than that " I said rolling my eyes and he put his hands on my eyes whispering " don't open your eyes " . He let go of my hand and after few seconds I heard him saying " open now ". I opened my eyes to see Sam and I everywhere . I laughed asking " where are you ?" . " come and get me " . I heard him but could not find the source of he voice . I walked towards one and was about to come closer to Sam but I hit the surface of the mirror . I lowered my head a little and put my palm on it , it hurts ! I felt arms wrapped around my waist and a sweet chuckle . I raised my head and he span me around and kissed my forehead . Suddenly the pain happened to fade away . We got out from the other side of the tent and Sam stopped me and said " you are so very special " . I smiled but it did not last long till I frowned . " how can I believe that you do not say the same to every girl you go out with ? " I asked and another voice replied saying " you should believe him , he says the truth " it was a female's voice . We both turned behind to see a middle aged lady setting on a chair with a table in front of her . There were tarot cards in front of her .  she must a fortune teller . " do you wanna know more ?" She asked and I was about to answer when Sam did instead . " no , thanks " he said pulling me out but she said something before we go out . She said and I quote " he didn't play with your mind for a while , did he ? " . I frowned and she smirked but Sam pulled me -nearly dragged me- out the tent and the whole funfair to the car . We entered without saying a word . Sam started the engine and turned to me saying " look , I swear I didn't lie when I said you are different and special , okay ?" . I took a moment to think before nodding and smiling at him . " I know and I believe you " . He nodded and i sighed saying " I do not wanna go home . I wanna spend more time with you " . " why ? " . I let out a deep breath then looked at him . " I like being with you . You are different from the other boys and I just .... " I could not continue and for a moment I felt like someone else is speaking . I took my mobile out of my bag and played a song . " i want you to listen to this song " I said handing him the headphones and played the song . He started listening and I started recalling the lyrics in my mind - Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away -

Sam paused the song and turned to me with a weird look in his eyes . A look that I have never seen before . " remember when I told you that I love you ? I told you I will get you to love me then I will do something after that . Do you remember it ?" He said and I frowned saying " no , I do not " . He raised his eyebrow , like he had proven something to himself then said " try to remember . I will give you a chance till tomorrow " . He stared at the road infront of him and pulled in the driving way . I tried to remember what he said but could not . I also thought about what the fortune teller said . Why did he not play with my mind for a while ? Does he know about the ring ? Did he notice me wearing it ?I did not notice we were home till Sam stopped the car . " we are here " was the only thing he said . I nodded awkwardly and opened the car's door . Before I got out I heard Sam saying " wait " . I paused but did not turn to him . He turned my head by my chin and got closer to me . Our lips brushed and I closed my eyes before feeling his lips on mine . I pulled away when I felt him smile against my lips . " I will see you tomorrow , right ?" He asked and I nodded smiling . I got out of the car and saw his car getting away till it disappeared . I turned to my granny's house and smiled . I have not been this happy for a while . I do not want to stay home ! I started walking towards the farm that me and Sam met at the first time . I never really knew who lives there . I walked towards the house and knocked on the door . I waited but no one answered . One of the windows was not locked and I took it as a sign to enter . I entered the house and it was completely empty . No furniture , no carpets and no curtains . I was about to go out when i noticed a small carpet in the corner of one of the rooms . Whoever owned this house is stupid ! It's so visible that he or she hides something under this carpet . I walked towards it and removed it to expose a door . I opened it and leaned to see what is inside but someone suddenly pushed me and I fall down in a dark room .

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