Gweter (Gwen + Peter)

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Title: Feathers, Webs and Chaos

Gwen Stacy sighed as she stared out the window of her apartment, which had once been a peaceful place, until Peter Parker got that idea. That ridiculous, insane idea that somehow made perfect sense in his web-swinging brain.

“Peter, I can’t believe you did this,” she muttered, glaring at the suspiciously quiet corner of the room. “What possessed you to bring home an owl?”

Peter, standing by the door, rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "I thought it’d be cool. You know, like Harry Potter? Except, instead of wands, we have webs. I thought you’d like it.”

Gwen raised an eyebrow and pointed to the creature sitting on the kitchen counter. “That owl has been judging me for the past two hours, Peter.”

The owl in question, which Peter had decided to name Whooter (because why not?), was giving Gwen a death stare, its round, unblinking eyes locked on her every movement.

It hadn’t made a sound since it arrived but seemed to have opinions on everything. Especially her choice of cereal.

“I mean,” Peter defended, trying to keep the peace, “he’s kinda cute in a spooky, ‘I-know-your-secrets’ way, right?”

Gwen crossed her arms. “Cute? Peter, it’s an owl! It’s nocturnal, it’s creepy, and it’s been glaring at me for two hours straight! I’m afraid to go to sleep!”

“Oh, come on, Gwen! You’re scared of a fluffy ball of feathers?”

Gwen glared at him. “You know what else is nocturnal, Peter? Vampires. This owl looks like it could suck my soul right out.”

Peter chuckled, trying to mask his own nervousness. “Okay, okay. Maybe it’s a little intense. But think about the upside! We won’t need a security system anymore! Whooter’s got us covered.”

“Whooter,” Gwen repeated, shaking her head. “You couldn’t have thought of a better name?”

Peter shrugged. “What was I supposed to call him? Hootini?”

At that moment, the owl flapped its wings, causing both of them to jump back. It gave a single, loud hoot that echoed ominously around the room.

Peter gulped. “Okay, maybe he’s more intense than I thought.”

Gwen gave him a deadpan look. “Ya think?”

Just then, Whooter decided to take flight, swooping low over the living room. Peter instinctively shot a web to catch it, but Whooter dodged effortlessly, landing gracefully on the ceiling fan.

Peter gawked. “Did… did that owl just dodge my web?”

Gwen smirked. “Looks like you’ve met your match, Spider-Man.”

Peter narrowed his eyes. “Oh, it’s on.”

What followed was nothing short of chaos. Peter, web-shooters at the ready, tried to outmaneuver the surprisingly agile bird while Gwen leaned against the counter, arms crossed, thoroughly amused.

Every time Peter fired a web, Whooter gracefully dodged, effortlessly gliding through the air like a feathered ninja.

At one point, Peter even tried reasoning with it. “Come on, Whooter! Be cool, man! Just… sit still for a second, will ya?”

Whooter, of course, ignored him and hooted mockingly before diving toward Gwen, who ducked just in time to avoid a faceful of feathers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of dodging, flipping, and failing, Peter collapsed on the couch, panting. “I give up. The owl wins.”

Whooter, victorious, landed back on the counter and resumed its judgmental stare, this time directed at Peter.

Gwen walked over, ruffling Peter’s hair. “Good effort, though. You almost looked graceful.”

Peter groaned. “This is why you don’t bring home mysterious animals without doing research first.”

Gwen smiled sweetly. “Next time, maybe stick to a goldfish?”

Peter sighed, nodding. “Yeah… maybe.”

As they both sat down on the couch, the owl, finally satisfied, gave a soft hoot and fluttered over to perch on Gwen’s shoulder. She froze, wide-eyed, while Peter grinned.

“Guess he likes you after all.”

Gwen, still processing the betrayal, whispered, “I am never letting you pick the pets again.”

Peter chuckled, wrapping an arm around her. “Deal.”

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