Captasha (Captain + Natasha)

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A/N Based on a really sweet and funny incorrect quote I saw on tumblr.

Title: Not Too Busy for You

The Avengers' Tower was unusually quiet for a change. Tony sat on the couch, scrolling through something on his tablet, while Clint, perched on a nearby stool, flicked a ball of paper at a trash can. Thor and Sam were engaged in a rather animated discussion about Midgardian snacks, their voices the only real source of noise in the room.

Steve and Natasha sat side by side, seemingly relaxed after their last mission. Natasha was flipping through a magazine, occasionally casting a glance at Steve, who was reviewing some notes. It was one of those rare peaceful moments they all cherished.

Out of nowhere, Steve, without even looking up from his file, casually asked, “Nat, why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

Suddenly, the quiet room became even quieter. Clint froze mid-paper flick, his eyes wide with interest. Tony raised an eyebrow, and even Thor paused his passionate defense of Pop-Tarts to listen. Sam leaned back in his chair, intrigued.

Natasha, unfazed by the sudden question, raised an eyebrow and looked at Steve with a hint of amusement. "Really, Steve? That’s where you're going?"

Steve, completely calm, offered her a smile. “Just wondering. You’re smart, funny, beautiful. Seems like the line should be around the block.”

Natasha smirked. "Too busy saving the world," she replied smoothly. "Besides, it's not exactly easy finding someone who can keep up."

Steve nodded thoughtfully, as if considering her words. “Yeah, I get that. Still, I’m sure someone could fit into your schedule if you wanted.”

Tony’s grin widened, and Clint leaned forward. The tension in the room was thick with anticipation. Everyone was watching Steve now, knowing he had more to say.

Natasha, always quick on her feet, turned the question around with a sly smile. "What about you? Why don’t you have a girlfriend?"

Steve finally looked at her, his blue eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. He didn’t hesitate, didn’t fluster. Instead, his response was calm, calculated, and—dare anyone say it—smooth.

“Well,” Steve said, his gaze locked on hers, “you’re too busy.”

And the room exploded.

Clint nearly fell off his stool, laughing so hard he could barely breathe. "Oh, he did not just say that!" he wheezed, clutching his sides.

Tony was no better. He stood up, shaking his head in disbelief. "Cap just—he just implied—oh, this is gold!" He hooted loudly, pointing at Steve and then Natasha. “I mean, wow, I didn’t think you had it in you, Rogers!”

Sam leaned back, grinning ear to ear. “Man, he’s good.”

Thor boomed with laughter, slapping Steve on the back. “Truly, a warrior’s confidence!”

But the most unexpected reaction came from Natasha. For a split second, her legendary composure slipped. A light flush crept onto her cheeks—Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, blushing.

She quickly tried to school her expression, but it was too late. The team had already seen. Clint was the first to notice.

Ohhh, Nat’s blushing! Did you all see that? She’s actually blushing!”

Tony was howling with laughter now, pointing between Steve and Natasha like he’d just stumbled onto the greatest soap opera plot twist of all time. “This is so much better than any mission report!”

Steve, completely unfazed by the commotion, leaned slightly closer to Natasha, his voice soft enough that only she could hear, though the smirk on his face betrayed his awareness.

“You know I meant it, right?”

Natasha’s blush deepened ever so slightly, but she recovered quickly, her eyes narrowing playfully. “You think you’re smooth, don’t you, Rogers?”

Steve chuckled, the sound low and warm. “You haven’t denied it.”

Natasha bit her lip to keep from smiling too broadly. “Maybe I’m not too busy after all.”

At that, Steve grinned, leaning back in his seat, perfectly content as the rest of the team continued their teasing and laughter.

“Looks like Cap’s got game!” Clint crowed, throwing his paper ball into the air in celebration. “Natasha Romanoff, everyone! Wooed by the one and only Steve Rogers!”

Natasha shot Clint a glare that would have frozen lesser men on the spot, but Clint just grinned, still enjoying the moment.

Tony, still grinning like a madman, raised his glass to Steve. “To Cap, the smoothest operator in the room!”

Steve just shook his head, his eyes still on Natasha. “I just know when to make my move.”

Natasha, finally giving in to a small smile, murmured, “Looks like you do, Rogers.”

And though the team kept laughing, poking fun, and making a spectacle of the whole thing, there was a spark between Steve and Natasha that everyone in the room could feel.

Steve didn’t mind the teasing, and Natasha? Well, she wasn’t too busy to notice either.

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