Our Bench

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AN: Just a reminder of that this is fiction, story created by the author, maybe the only reality here is the character ni S and B as themselves but the events and other stuff, well they are from the writer's imagination. Bahala na kayo mag isip ano pa yung mga pwede na totoo:)


He started to walk away from the bench since it's occupied but a certain familiar laugher made him stop... " Could it be her?" He knows the sound of her laughters, he'd memorized it already, the one sitting on the bench is laughing at the 3 kids playing on one part of the field.. His heart started beating fast for no apparent reason and he knows he had to find out..


Bamboo is having second thoughts on approaching the one sitting on the bench. He could be wrong, maybe he just miss her that much that's why he hears her laughter on the young lady. But why is it that his heart suddenly beats so fast and he feels nervous in a way. So he decided to approach the bench.

" Do you mind if I seat beside you?" He started to asked, while standing in the sides of the bench.

The moment she heard that voice, her heart seems to beat so fast for no apparent reason. She hasn't seen who spoke but she knows that voice by heart, he has a very unique voice and she will know it even from a distance.

She looked up to the side to confirm where the voice is coming from and She's surprised and happy to see him.

" Coach, hala Ano ginagawa mo dito?" Sarah said a little surprised but with smile on her tone

" Well, I should be the one asking you that, what are you doing here and do you know you're sitting on My Bench ?" Bamboo said with a smile that shows his dimples

"Hala, bench mo talaga coach ah, nung umupo ako kanina wala naman akong nakita na nakasulat na .."this belongs to Francisco Gaudencio Belardo Manalac, o di kaya Bamboo " she said with soft laughters

He just chuckled with what she said. "Okay, I'll share this with you, malakas ka sa akin eh" He said smiling.

" So, the Popstar Queen is hiding here in SanFo, sana sinabi mo at ako nalang nag tago sayo," he said jokingly.

" Haha as if pwede coach, di mas lalo lang gumulo diba? hahaha" she said with soft laughters.

" So coach, wala ka naman concert series dito diba?" "Bakit andito ka ngayon, and namasyal ka pa talaga sa park, may tinatakbuhan din?" hahaha

Bamboo just smiled at her before he started to talk. He just loved the sound of her laughters, he misses her, those times that they were able to spend together. He wanted to tell her the real reason why he's in SanFo at the moment, but he doesn't want it to affect her decisions and her self discovery so he'll just tell her later, when she's ready and when she'd finally decided.

" Well, may mga inasikaso lang, plus , I just spent some time with the kids" he said. "It's surprising how'd they've grown, I'm glad they are okay with how things are, you know "

Sarah just nodded in agreement. " Well, I'm happy for you coach, that things are doing good for you, deserve mo naman ang second chance at things eh" she said meaningfully.

Bamboo looked at her and smiled and even without words they understand what their eyes are saying. "Thank you" he just said.

They looked at the park in front of them in silence, no one wants to start to say something..

Then they saw two young couples walking hand in hand on the walk path of the park, they seemed to be so much in love and so into each other..

" Haha , you know what's funny coach", Sarah breaking the silence. Bamboo looks at her waiting for her next statement..

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