Back where we started ( Epilogue)

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March 2018 San Francisco, California
Goldengate Park

Sarah and Bamboo is sitting on the park. They're celebrating their second year together as a couple. It was 2 years ago when they met accidentally on the same park, on the same bench. It was then that they finally admitted how they felt for each other and finally decided to move forward.

" I have a confession to make hon. I remember you telling me 2 years ago, when we accidentally saw each other here that you were here in 2012, and that you wanted to sit on this bench but some guy, who's wearing a cap, a checkered polo is sitting here." Bamboo has his right arm on Sarah's shoulder while his left is holding her hands.

" What about that hon? " She asked without looking at him and just looking straight at the children playing in the grass in front of them but her head is on leaning on his shoulder.

" Well, you know, I was that guy. I was here too, I witnessed that fight between a couple who kissed and then went on separate ways. Actually It was that time that I finally decided that I will go back to the Philippines. It was here that  I made the decision." Sarah sat up straight and looks at Bamboo with questions.

" Really hon? Talaga? why didn't you tell me that time? I mean when we were here 2 years ago? She was  curious.

" Well, I never really thought about it ,tapos I saw this." Bamboo showed her a carving on one side of the bench. It's letter B and a plus sign.

" Remember I told you that time I'd share this bench with you kaya we carved this." He then pointed to the carving he made for them 2 years ago the " B&S".

" Hahahaha, I remember that coach, andyan pa pala no, kahit medyo mababaw na ukit, kita pa pala." Sarah was looking at it and running her fingers on it.

" Pero hon, meron ka pala ibang carving dito. B and a plus sign. Why a plus sign? She was curious now.

" That time kasi, I wasn't sure of what I want in life. I'm undecided on what to do . I carved the B and the plus sign because I don't know what's in store for me. Actually I think I saw you that time, I wasn't sure it was you thought. I mean you're already popular but you looked different and so young without any makeup so I wasn't sure, plus we don't know each other pa. Then the couple who was fighting caught my attention and when I looked back for you wala kana." He is looking at his wife lovingly.

" And you know what? That was the time I was carving the plus sign. I don't know what it mean that time but I do now, it means that our paths were meant to meet someday and it did." She was just smiling at how sentimental her husband is.

" Really ikaw yun? Yung kung maka upo dito eh akala mo pag aari nya itong bench? Wow, imagine kung nakita pala kita nun siguro nagpa autograph pa ako. But seriously hon,nakita mo ako and kilala mo ako? I mean matagal ka din nawala sa Pinas. She was curious about it

" Well, I'm already checking out ASAP that time kasi I already got the offer and I stumbled upon one of your performance and honestly I admire you then already. Pero when I saw you here medyo nagulat ako kasi you looked so young and bigla ako nahiya to approach you. Bamboo can't help but look at his lovely wife again. She's becoming more beautiful in his eyes as the days go by and he can tell that she's specially blooming lately, he's just happy thinking that he makes her feel content maybe that is why.

" Pero bakit B and plus sign hon?" Sarah asked as she runs her fingers to the older carving.

" I don't know maybe kasi when I carved those I haven't met the person I'm supposed to be with the rest of my life and now that I have you, I know what to add here." Bamboo then took his car keys and started to carve a letter S after the plus sign and then added an equal sign and then a infinity sign after.

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