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AN: This is a fan fiction set up in the future:)

Fast Forward: September 5,2016 NAIA Terminal 2

"Brad, ang lakas mo din talaga sa mga parents ni honey mo ah, imagine napapayag mo dati na mag overnight sa bahay mo sa Tagaytay tapos ngayon eh na pa extend ang stay sa NY ng 3 days, ikaw na talaga ang trusted." Pancho was telling Bamboo. They are now at the lounge of PAL waiting for their flight to NYC.

Bamboo will do some recording of his newest album in a recording studio in the state of NY. He planned this recording in conjunction to Sarah's shooting with her 4th movie with JL which they are shooting some parts there. The movie team is already in NYC for 6 days already that is why Bamboo misses Sarah already. They just send messages and just do FaceTime if they have time because it was hard due to time zone difference.

It's already almost 6 months that they are together. The last 6 months had been a good one for them. They do have some misunderstandings but it wasn't serious and nothing that can't be resolved.

The last few months Bamboo had met a lot of Sarah's relatives through family gatherings. He also had some chance of spending time with Sarah and her co champion friends, aside from her other friends. He is glad that most of her friends is happy for them and is very supportive.

Bamboo is happy that even though they are not public with their relationship, at least they don't have to hide it to people that matters to them.

He actually have grown closer to DD. He usually spend time talking with him whenever he is at their residence. MD on the other hand is still a little reserve but she joins in their conversations too. All in all he does not have any problem with Sarah's family and for that he is thankful. Her parents trust him that is why he makes sure not to break their trust. It's been very hard for him in some instances but he's going to do everything not to go beyond his boundaries. He respects and love Sarah so much but they are also just human, sometimes there are instances that they get really intimate with each other but good thing that they still manage to control. He never thought he have that in himself, that much self control.

Bamboo was reminiscing those special moments that had transpired the last few months. Fans and supporters have gotten used to seeing him with Sarah in some events, whether work or personal probably because people can see how close they have become specially during their segment in ASAP21.

When they started taping for the blind auditions for the newest season of TVoP last June, Lea and Apl noticed how close the two are so at one of their usual coaches bonding session in APl's place Bamboo and Sarah admittted their fellow coaches about their blooming relationship.

Flashback: July 2016

The TVoP started their taping already for the Blind Auditions. And since Apl and Lea knew that Sarah will be celebrating her 28 birthday soon they decided to have dinner together like they used to do before.

" Hey guys, let's have another dinner at my place, para maka pag bonding naman.. Lea bring your husband and Nicole if you want. And Bamboo tell me if you're bringing someone special para maka add ng another setting. I know Sarah, she's going solo as usual." Apl was telling his co coaches. Apl always tease Sarah that she never bring anyone in their dinners. Bamboo and Sarah just looks at each other with what Apl said .

" Okay Apl, I will be with my husband but Nic will just stay with grandma muna para all adults tayo sa dinner, hahahaha, ay wait we have a teenager pala , eto si bebe Sarah " Lea said while teasing Sarah.

Sarah and Bamboo was just laughing at what Lea said. She's the baby of the group just by looking at each other Bamboo and Sarah knows na magugulat si Lea snd Apl if they found out about them.

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