With Leading Men

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AN: This is Fan fiction set up in the future. Honestly it is  kind of hard to make a story with future as a setting. It's supposed to be easier hahahaha kasi you can just make it the way you want it, but I'm having a hard time trying to make it feel and appear realistic man lang. Sorry nalang if it's boring you guys.


Sarah and Bamboo's schedule has been very busy as expected. Sometimes the two just have to do with phonecalls. Sarah have photoshoots for commercials, recordings for her new album and she started shooting some of her scenes for her movie with JL.

Bamboo is busy too with so many other things. Aside from negotiations with the big concert that he is planning to co produced he's also busy with his commercial shoots and gigs. He is supposed to go to NYC for recording of his new album but he decided to wait until he gets Sarah's schedule to shoot her film with JL in NYC so that they can be there together.

They don't have an idea how will they squeeze time together with the busy schedule that they will have in NYC but they said they will find ways. Any given moment is an opportunity for them.

Good thing that they have ASAP and soon the new season of TVoP will start at least they will have some work together.

ASAP 21 July 9,2016

Sarah and Bamboo will have a collaboration duet that day among other production numbers that they will have. Bamboo is so excited because it has been a while since their last duet in public. Well after the incident and all the issues that has happened their respective management decided not to have them together in one production numbers and shows even if in reality that they are okay so as to not make any more speculations and issues. And now after almost a year when things had cooled down they will have the long overdue collaboration that everyone was requesting for.

And this time their fans will be in for a real treat because not only will they have a collaboration in ASAP21 but they will have their own segment which will be every other Sunday and it will be called "PopRock Twogether" in which they will perform together different hits and songs giving them their own version and flavor. The segment will be announced and it will start by next week.

At first they were hesitant when the segment was offered to them. Not that they don't want to perform and sing together because they do, it's just that the segment may call more attention to them. They were given some time to think about it but as what one of the creative writer said to them that the segment will at least give them the chance to let non Ashboo fans see what chemistry onstage they have and hopefully accept too the chemistry off stage. Both were quite surprised with what the creative writer said but said nothing about it. It so happened that the staff is a good friend of Sarah and even though Sarah and Bamboo is not saying anything, he can see by the way they look at each other that something is brewing on. It can't be denied, the look of love that the two keep on exchanging is palpable specially for someone who knew Sarah personally. He knows Sarah have reasons for not telling him or everyone about it yet but he's happy nonetheless so he thought of the segment and the management agreed immediately because they know how many people actually are requesting them for it.

Flashback: 3 Sunday's back

Sarah is in her DR while waiting for her turn to perform. She's with Ana since MD was not able to come that day. Since Ana knows about her and Bamboo they only have to worry about her glam team that day. She trusts Gela too so when Pancho came over to talk with her she didn't mind that Gela was with them.

Pancho was a little hesitant to talk first when he saw Gela but Sarah motion that it's okay and so Pancho went over to whisper something to her to which she nodded.

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