Jogging in Central Park

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AN: Fan Fiction set up in the future:)

September 5,2016 NYC

Sarah sat on her bed. She can't help but feel giddy at the thoughts that just flashed back on her mind. She glanced at Ana who's still asleep.
She went over to the window of the hotel and looks at the view outside. It is such a beautiful morning. She's staying at the Central Park Hotel kaya when she looks outside, she sees the beautiful view of the NY central park.

Actually, she's not supposed to be in that hotel but in a cheaper one, but since she and Bamboo have plans of seing each other, she told her movie team that she's willing to pay extra for the hotel as long as she can choose the one she'll stay. Well the superstar she is, no objections naman sa kanya. She said she wanted to jog every morning sana she's gonna be in NYC sa Central Park.

When she checked the clock it's only 5:45 still too early so she decided she's going to jog nalang. She just left a note for Ana.

As she was jogging at the park, she came to the Bethesda Fountain, and since it's still early, only very few people are there, usually those that are having their morning jog. Sarah rested on the side of the fountain (where Carrie Bradshaw usually sit) and just look at the people around and the lake at the back. She came back at the memory of her last birthday again.

Flashback July 24,2016 Tagaytay (Bamboo's Rest house)

Bamboo and Sarah just finished their late lunch. The two took a swim and did something else so they didn't get to have an on time lunch. They cooked their lunch together even though Bamboo said he will, Sarah insisted on helping him. They enjoyed being silly while cooking, even putting on bread mixtures in each other when they also made some Banana bread for their snacks. They were just like couples in a honeymoon if you're going to observe them.

After they finished up with their dishes they decided to sit on the garden. It's a cool afternoon and they decided to play the guitar. Well it's Bamboo who's usually playing and he is trying to teach Sarah. She's familiar with some keys already because of her movie with Piolo.

" Oh don't you just love days like this hon? Yung we get to just relax and careless about anything and we are together." Bamboo said while strumming something on the guitar.

" Oo nga coach, sobrang nakaka relax lang, alam mo ba na ang tagal ko na hindi nagawa ito, yung ganito na paupo upo and relax lang. Thank you ulit ha" Sarah said to Bamboo and gave him a quick smack on his lips. It made him smile showing his dimples.

" Anything for the love of my life. And please stop saying thank you, okay? You just don't know how you give meaning to all this. This place never felt so vibrant before, but now it is. We can do jogging tomorrow if you want. There's a trail on the area na walang tao if  maaga pa. She just nodded. She loves to jog if only she have time and the privacy to do so.

" Alam mo ba coach, nung nag shoot kami dati sa Central Park, sabi ko ang sarap siguro ng makapag jogging dun na wala lang, parang ordinary na tao na nag jojogging . Pangarap ko kaya yun.. hehehe ang babaw ko lang no? Sarah said while laughing.

" Nope, that's not mababaw, that only
shows how simple you are and how much you like simple pleasures. Promise hon, when there's a chance, we will be able jog together in Central Park. Bamboo came over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

" I'd love that coach. So, matutuloy ba yung pag sabay mo sa shooting namin sa NYC?" She asked as she puts her head on his shoulder.

" Yeah, it'll push through, but we have to really plan about it." He said and then there were silence.

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