Your Love

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The next few days became busier fo both Bamboo and Sarah. Its mostly rehearsals for the concert for Bamboo and guesting naman kay Sarah on different TV programs in ABS CBN.

That morning, Sarah and JL is a guest in KrisTV. It's a live telecast so walang taping na naganap. Sarah and JL was so busy kaya they never had a chance to tape any episodes so they agreed on a live one.

As expected, everyone was tuned in that morning. Many is anticipating Kris possible questions to Sarah knowing she's in the news with Bamboo for almost a month now.

When Pancho saw on Twitter that Sarah and JL is on KrisTV he told Bamboo about it so he went on break to watch it.

Kris: " Good morning sa lahat ng nakatutok sa atin today. This is a special episode kasi po LIVE na LIVE tayo with no other than BOX Office King and Queen John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah Geronimo.

After the introduction and some short clips about their last movies Kris started her questions. At first it was all about the movies, what can be expected and etc.. Then they came to the topic of being married, since JL and Laida's character in the movie is about a newly married couple trying to juggle their married life and their careers, it's complications and hardship specially that they have to be in NYC.

The topic was interesting and points of views were given. Then Kris asked Sarah something that made Bamboo a little nervous. This could be his cue, he thought. Pancho was observing him as he is so focused on Sarah on the TV.

K: " Ikaw JL, is marriage in your mind already? Kasi you're what 33na diba so,did you see yourself getting married someday?

JL: " Of course naman Kris, I would like to think that I'm going to settle down someday, if you know , if I have that someone I can settle down with syempre." JL said with some chuckles

K: " Aba malay ko JL, kasi may mga guys that don't see themselves setting down, well unless nga siguro they find na the girl for them." Ikaw Sarah, do you see yourself getting married soon? Sarah gave a soft laugher wih Kris questions.

K: " I mean, you're 28 and does it cross your mind na din ba that you want to have a family na rin? Ay teka, wala palang boyfriend si Sarah, hahahah.. or wala lang tayong alam na boyfriend.. hahaha" Kris was teasing her to which she just gave a smile.

K: " Ano na Sarah, puro ka smile dyan, sige baguhin ko ang question, if at this point mag proposed sayo ang boyfriend mo, at your age and situation you think ready ka na?

S: Sarah smiled before answering. " Naku miss Kris ang awkward nung tanong, hahahaha

K: " Ganun? But you're with someone right now or you're single? Kasi well, I'll go straight to the point, madami issues at news about you and Bamboo for the past months and no one is setting the record straight. He was asked about you and all he said that he wants to have that private. Diba it's close to admitting na about the two of you. Straight to the point na questions ni Kris to which Sarah stiffened. JL was just quiet on the side.

Sarah took a deep breath before she spoke again.

S: " Well like what coach Bamboo said din po, miss Kris, we'd like to keep things in private nalang muna as much as possible.

K: "But you're not denying na you're going out with him? Like exclusively?
Mapilit na tanong ni Kris.

S: " We're not denying anything naman po Ms. Kris, we just don't want to talk about it in public if possible. Yeah we're exclusively together but let's leave it at that nalang po." Sarah just said it. She felt it's about time na rin naman siguro para matapos na ang speculations about them tutal people see them na rin so might as well admit it, just no details.Kris was kind of surprised at how she answered that one. She certainly had developed a certain firmness and still have the same sweetness in her.

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