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AN: This is fan fiction.

Sarah was serious while reading the messages that Bamboo noticed.

" Hey.. anything wrong? he asked. She let him read her mom's message. He got serious. In his mind, now their fight starts.


"So, I guess we have to talk about how to go about this now.. I mean at least when you come back from your trip, we  already have a plan. " Bamboo said as they started to clean up the dishes.

" I wonder ano yung BI coach, well madami Filipino dito sa SanFo so possible na may makakilala sa atin, wala din kasi details na sinabi si Mommy eh, dipa nag respond sa message ko." she said a little worried. Kung sya ayos lang naman na umamin na sila ni Bamboo sa public, but if ever mas gusto sana nya ang private lang sila, besides Bamboo is a very private person, na dragged na nga name nito sa issues because of her tapos eto na naman. But what can they do, ito yung mundo nilang ginagalawan eh.

They already placed all the plates and utensils they used in the washer and then they went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"As soon as I'm back in Manila, I'll talk to your parents hon, I mean, I owed them an explanation about everything... I didn't court you the way you should be courted, I know how traditional they are, but I can't take it anymore, not telling you how I feel." I'm hoping that they will give me a chance to prove how much you mean to me."He said while they are sitting together in the couch.

" Hey, you don't have to prove anything to anyone coach, all this time, just being there with me through all that had happened, you've proven yourself already." she said as she looks at him and hold his face with her hand. He covered it with his and took it to his lips and kiss it.

" You know, I don't mind shouting to the world how much I love you, and I do understand too na in this business we have, the more people knows the more complicated things are, kaya we really need to decided what to do." she just nodded at him.

" How about just telling our family and closest friends lang muna, then we'll just come out na unti unti?" she said looking at him.

" So we're gonna deny each other? he doesn't like the idea of him denying her or the other way around. " Kasi if people will not know about us, then they might still link you to other actors, on my case hindi ako showbiz so there's no problem." there's a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Sarah looks at Bamboo, she gets where he is coming from, but the way her mom says in the messages earlier parang she doesn't want them to go public yet.

" Can we do it for a while coach?.. yung sa atin nalang muna, mukang yun ang pakiusap nila mommy eh, at least we can slowly come out later, basta let's just say we're good friends kaya we hang out with one another.. ang importante naman is what we really are diba?..but if you don't want too,...

" It's okay hon, I understand, I know who you are in the industry, besides maybe you're mom is right too, I mean, it just been six months since the issues and I just got the papers, there's a lot of judgmental people in the industry.. not that we care,  but , we have families to protect too..Don't worry about it.. I told you, I'm in this no matter what.. then he embraced her tightly, she hugged him back.

"Thanks coach... pero what are we gonna say if may nagsabi that they saw us here in SanFo together? she said while her head is on his shoulder.

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