Less Worry

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AN: This is just FanFiction. No offense meant to any party.

And what is that coach?" Sarah asked, ano kaya yung pinaka importante na bilin nito.

"Make sure not to fall in love with anyone.. Remember me, always and that I'm waiting for you back home"

"Hahaha, naman coach, don't worry.. you have my heart, I won't be able to do that... Good night na, baka langgamin na tayo sa pagiging cheesy mo.. haha. I love you.. Sarah can't contain her laughter on the other line. She change his name in her contacts already, it's not coach B anymore, it's now Francis Ko..


Sarah is sitting in JFK airport waiting for her connecting flight to Heathrow London. She's contemplating on so many things. She's been doing it the last 3 days she's in SanFo.

" Don't overthink Sarah, just be ready, alam nyo naman that things will not be easy. And this time balik secret muna ulit ang lovelife mo. Learn from what happened the last time you went out in public. Everyone has a say, everyone is privy so, this time keep it simple and private, it should be better this way." Sarah is talking to herself.

Sarah thoughts were interrupted by the announcement of their boarding. "Thi is it!" I'm on a roll now, my adventure begins. Sana nga lang you're with me Francis Ko, but well, maybe next time." She said to herself.

Sarah boarded the plane that will bring her to her 45 days of journey, to different places and to different experience full of hope that when she comes back, she's a recharged woman, someone who at least was able to do something on her own.

Bamboo is on the plane going back to Manila. The last 3 days had been great. He was able to spend quality time with his kids. Sarah was right, they are growing fast and he needs to spend time with them because the way things are, they are changing too. He was able to have a heart to heart talk with his eldest. His daughter is almost preteen now and she can understand things already. In fact she's the one who opened the topic about him and Sarah.
He remembers how she at some point of their conversation asked him how is it going with their tita Sarah. He was actually surprised, he didn't realize that he might be that obvious and even his kids know or notice things.

" So dad, how's it going with tita Sarah? Did she said yes to you already? Bamboo was surprised at the straightforward question of his eldest.

" What do you mean baby? Where did you hear about those things? He asked her.

" We don't have to hear it from anyone dad, we can see it, it's pretty obvious, oh well you're pretty obvious if I may say so." Napalaki mata ni Bamboo with what he heard.

" Come on dad, it's just me, no need to deny it, I can see that you like her that much, oh , well that's not the term, you love her, and she does too. Well, I understand that naman ,you and mama's situation and we know things are not what it's used to be dad, don't worry, we understand, not all things are perfect, and this things happen. " Bamboo was so surprised how his daughter sound, she's so mature for her age and he felt proud that even though things weren't perfect for them they were able to raise a mature kid. He's almost in tears.

" Well, things are going good with your tita Sarah, in fact I wanted you to meet her but she insisted that I spend time with you guys. And you know what, I'm so glad I did, I can't believe you're this grown up young lady already. Thanks so much for understanding me.

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