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AN: This is just a fan fiction.

Yeah, we will, and let's claim all the possibilities that this bench could bring " He said smiling at her, she just nod and looks at the Initials again.

" One day, we'll add something to that " he said.. She looks at him questioningly ...

He just smiled and said, " Now it's not just My bench, It's Our Bench "


The day after: San Francisco California

Sarah is again at the same park where she and Bamboo was yesterday, this time since maaga sya nagpahatid sa cousin nya, wala syang kaagaw sa bench. She's looking at the carving that Bamboo made yesterday using his keys..

" B&S" She's smiling as she remembers yung mga naging kwentuhan pa nila after. Masaya sya that inspite nung mga kaguluhan eh, the friendship that she and Bamboo has developed eh hindi natinag, in fact, mas naging malapit pa sila. She remembers him telling her..

" Whatever friendship/relationship we have, we don't need to explain to people, this is our life," "Besides, wala tayong niloko, wala tayong inargabyadong tao and we were just true to ourselves, we know the truth and at the end of the day, it's all that matters "

She can't help but recall the incident that happened about six months ago, sa party for the TVK staffs and crews, kasama ang mga coaches and some TVoP artists like Jason Dy, Klarisse, Mori, Yuki,Darryl Ong, Darren , Mike, JK and some others. Everyone was having fun and was singing and dancing at one club in Resorts World.

It was a fun night, until someone came in and started making a scene that made Sarah , Bamboo and Sarah's now ex bf the talk of the town the following weeks.

Sarah knew the reason why her now ex boyfriend did what he did that night. She just broke up with him about a week ago, and no matter how hard he tries to win her back, she had decided to stop their almost 2 years relationship.

She loves him naman and was thankful for his efforts and understanding in their relationship, alam nya that it's not easy being her boyfriend and she's thankful, but inspite of how she feels for him, she knows she also feels something for someone else, Sarah has developed a feeling for Bamboo and even though they never admitted it to each other , alam nila yun, but they never acted on it. Bamboo respect the relationship that she has, and at that time his own divorce is not finalized yet. So they just remain friends, a very close one at that, and even though it's hard for them, they'll have it than nothing at all.

Many though that Bamboo was the reason why she broke up with her ex boyfriend (diko na banggitin name) but it's not actually the reason, it's more of personal for her, it's about trust and respect. Her ex boyfriend has always been jealous of Bamboo and for any other guys that she works with and keeps asking her to stop her friendship with him, and she tried, but they work together, a lot of products and events invite them together as performers, so it's impossible for them to be not spending time together, besides they have developed a certain kind of friendship, that they knew is special.

Sometimes she feels guilty, maybe her boyfriend has a right to get mad, but what he did, the reason why she finally broke up with him, it was something she can't accept, it just doesn't conform with her values and she feels so disrespected. She never told the story or reason to any of her friends, she never said anything about it in interview she did, even if it would have changed the way people's perception and sympathy. With their break up, many sympathize with her ex, she was called names, many turned against her, but more remained loyal and didn't need explanation. For they know her. Even her parents didn't know the reason, even their closest friends, ayaw nya masira ito sa kanila and also as a respect to his parents na mabait naman sa kanya, okay lang na kahit sya nalang tumanggap ng batikos basta matapos nalang ang issue, but if there's one person she was able to share it, it was with Bamboo. He has been her confidant that time and even the weeks after, even after he was dragged along with it accidentally, he was always beside her and she's thankful.

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