Chapter Six

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"hey cutie," Xavier said to me the next morning at school.
"um hey, Xavier so I told my dad about us last night..." I began.
"that's great!" he replied.
"well, he wants to meet you," I said quiet.
"sweet, when?"
"awesome I gotta go to class, let me know what time later," he said kissing me on the cheek before heading off. I was going to tell him my father was dianite, but I was just too scared to, I know it wouldn't work out then both our parents complete opposites and rulers hating each other. I tried all day to tell him, but I never got the chance to and I was just too scared.

When I got home from school, I went straight to the Nether. I rarely go there, but I still know my way around the place. The guard let me straight through, they knew who I was.
"FATHER!" I yelled. The guards perked up.
"hello princess, nice to see you back," one of the guards said.
"hi, where's my father?"
"he's in a meeting," the guard said nicely.
"I don't care it's important," I commanded.
"it's an very important meeting ma'am," he tried to persuade me. I just continued walking to the meeting hall. I listened at the door. He was having a meeting with Furia, Mot, tom, and Mianites messenger. I knocked on the door, losing all my confidence, then entering the room.
"It's not the time." my father stated sternly.
"It's important father."
"If it is so important that it'll be important later."
"okay," I replied. and I trotted my way over to a seat and sat down, "just pretend like I'm not here," I said with a big smile. dianite gave mot a look to continue.
"sir I think it's a bad idea you shouldn't let them be together. It will not turn out good for you too you possibly losing your throne."
"well it looks like we're on the same page then, because I don't want him coming over tonight," i interrupted
"why not sweetheart, he's your boyfriend," he said with an evil smirk. "Furia, take her to her room, have the servants start preparing dinner." Furia using his powers was able to please me so I couldn't kick and scream to stay put, and he carry me to my room. Once in my room he unfroze me and telling me to stay put or else. Once he left and locked the door I thought my hands flame up again.

"Mianite and I had a talk," my father said walking into my room.
"k and?" I said sassily.
"we don't want you two dating."
"why not?! give me a little bit of happiness dad. you kept me locked up in this house and the Nether all my life. I knew what you do, but when Mianite said it, I didn't want to believe it."
"Look, we will take about it at dinner. I know how you feel, I sent you to school for you to enjoy life, before you follow in my footsteps. when you start to rule you won't even have time for love. l"
"Dad please, I love him, he means the world to me," I pleaded.
"he's your first love sweetheart. you'll get over it. why don't you go falling in love with Tom he is a great guy? by the way, Mianite is joining us for dinner."
I just continued making the dinner, tears streaming down my face.

The four of us say down at the dinner table.
"Lovely dinner, did you make it?" Mainite said looking up at me.
"Um, yes I did, my mom taught me how to cook," I replied softly.
"Your just like your mother," he smiled.
"Stop Mianite," my father said sternly.
"Now what am I doing? I'm just completing the young lady." Mianite chuckled.
"W-wait, where's your mom if you don't mind?" Xavier asked with his sparkling blue eyes.
"well considering she's ianite, she's in the end a little too busy right now with spark" Dianite said tilting his away from the two. "Look Mianite you know why your here." Everyone gave him a puzzled look. "Kids, you can't be together anymore."
"W-why not?" Said Xavier.
"Dianitta is the offspring of TWO gods. You," pointing at Xavier,"you are a half blood. You guys are just too powerful together. what if you two get married, your child will be so powerful, and unstoppable," he continued, "Dianitta I need you to follow in my foot steps, you can't fall in with a mianite, let alone him! you must become the next ruler of the Nether."

"And what if i don't want to be evil huh dad?!" i snapped back.

"How can you not want to be a god like me?"

"I- i want to be a god dad, but i want to be like my mother Ianite..." i said, sad i was disappointing my father.

"Well you can't she has her own two children with that man... Spark. Martha will be taking her place."

"Dianite, we have to give the children some happiness. What if i leave the thrown for Helgrin, he is a loyal follower of mine," Mianite finally spoke again.

"Dad, Helgrin is Ianite's son! I want to be next in line!" Xavier protested.

"Dianitta, look i know what it feels like to be in love. Mianite can i speak to you in the other room for a minute?" Dianite asked. The two men returned after a few minutes...

"So we discussed everything, both of you have a decision to make..." Mianite stated.

Dianite then spoke, "Your choices are, either you two break up and follow in our footsteps, or stay together and we give the thrown to someone else. Choice wisely children," he Evilly smirked. oh no...

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