Chapter Thirdteen

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Everyone lined up, and the same man spoke once again, "We're going to go down the line, and you will say your name, what God you are fighting for, and the number year you have been in this tournament!"

"Martha, Fighting for Ianite, second year."

"Jordan, Fighting for Ianite, fourth year, winner of last year.."

"(I missed his name), fighting for Ianite, year three"


"Xavier, going for mianite, year one"

"Helgrin, Mianite, year two" the crowd gasped, last year he went for his mother, why is he fight for Mianite?

"(another weird name), Mianite, Fifth year, winner of last year"


"Furia, Dianite, year ten, winner of all"

there was a slight boo.

"Tom, Dianite, year three" his accent still got to me.

"Diannita, fight for dianite, first year," my voice shook. I was so nervous.


Furia went first; he did an amazing job. They gave you a problem and you had to solve it; you also had to defuse a bomb. Tom's did a good job as well.

It was my turn, and I didn't defuse the bomb in time. And my answer sounded like an Ianite. My father looked so disappointed.

Next was agility. I aced that. But so did everyone else.

And finally, fighting.

The grouped us in who we were competing for first. So it was me Vs. tom vs. Furia. They gave us a break before, to gear up; Cronus came to talk to me.

"look your gonna do great. You're a fighter. And there is only one looser in the first round, so kick furia's ass," this is why Cronus was my favorite. It was time. The looser of the Ianites was the random I didn't know, the looser of mianites was the other guy i didn't know.


the armor and weapons we used would kind of stun you when u get hit, and when you 'loose' the armor like stops you from moving until someone directly clicks the button in the left arm. But depending on where you get hit depends on how that gets done and can't move. You can basically considerate like a video game when you fight. Where you get hit affects your mobility.


Furia, tom and I all stepped out at different sides. I tucked tom's neck less back in my shirt. I was ready. Tom and Furia went at it first. People boo'ed at me for staying back and being a clean up, but I didn't want to team up. But the Furia started shooting arrows at me. he shot 10 arrows at me, and I dodge the all; but then Tom shot one right at my back, stunning me and I fell right to the ground. Once I got up Furia came for me. I fought him off pretty good until tom came him, and swooped me off the ground. Furia was about to terminate me, but tom shot him right in the helmet...

Furia had lost...

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