Chapter Thirty-Seven: Literally Fuck My Life

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The weight of the night clung to me like a heavy fog as I drove back home, my sobs wracking my body. Each inhale felt sharp and painful, filled with memories of Ace that pierced through my heart. "Why did I ever let myself get close?" I muttered to the empty car, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I wish I never met him. I wish that stupid Paris mission had been assigned to someone else. Anyone else." The words echoed hollowly in the vehicle, but they were my truth, my desperate plea for relief.

As I pulled into my driveway, the familiar sight of my home felt like a cruel reminder of what I'd lost. I parked, turned off the engine, and stared blankly ahead. The quiet of the night surrounded me, offering no solace, only a heavy reminder of Ace's confession—the moment he'd opened his heart, and I'd closed mine.

"Get it together, Adriana," I whispered to myself, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. I needed to focus, to push through this pain. I stumbled inside, and the darkness enveloped me like a shroud. Flicking on the lights, I trudged to my workspace, a cluttered corner filled with wires, circuits, and half-finished projects. My latest invention—a gadget I hoped would revolutionize our fieldwork—needed my attention.

As I sat down, I immersed myself in the familiar rhythm of tinkering, allowing the mechanical whirring and beeping of my devices to drown out the chaos in my mind. I meticulously adjusted the calibrations, the motions almost meditative. "If I can just make this work," I told myself, "maybe I can reclaim some part of me."

Hours passed as I lost myself in my work, but a knock on the door broke the silence. I glanced at the clock—5:00 AM. I opened it to find Ava, her face a mixture of concern and determination. "I couldn't sleep. I had to check on you," she said, stepping inside.

"I'm fine," I lied, but my voice cracked, betraying the turmoil beneath the surface.

"Adriana." Her tone was firm, and she crossed her arms, standing in front of me like a fierce guardian. "What happened? You can tell me."

I took a deep breath, the memories flooding back. "Ace confessed to me," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "And I said no."

Ava's eyes widened, and then she beamed with pride. "Adriana, that's amazing! You knew your worth, and you stood up for yourself! I'm so proud of you."

"It doesn't feel amazing," I replied, feeling a mix of relief and guilt. "It just feels... lonely."

"It's okay to feel that way," she said, stepping closer and placing a hand on my shoulder. "But look at you! You made a tough choice. You're stronger than you think. You don't need someone who can't fully commit to you."

I smiled weakly, her words wrapping around me like a warm blanket. "I just wish it didn't hurt so much."

"You'll get through this. We'll get through this. Let's have a girls' night, just you and me. We can binge-watch those awful reality shows you love so much," Ava suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

I chuckled softly, the tension in my chest loosening. "Okay, that sounds nice. Just give me a second to finish this device, and I'll join you."

"Take your time," she said, but the enthusiasm in her voice filled me with warmth. I turned back to my work, and the rhythm of tinkering felt grounding, a reminder that I still had my passion to hold onto.

By morning, I had made considerable progress, but my sense of accomplishment was short-lived. As I entered the office, I was still feeling a bit lighter, bolstered by my conversation with Ava. But that sense of normalcy shattered when I was called into Anastasia's office.

"Adriana, can you come in?" she asked, her voice steady but serious.

My heart raced as I stepped into her office, only to find Ace already seated in one of the chairs, looking equally tense. Great. Just what I needed. The air felt electric, charged with unspoken words and unresolved tension.

"This is going to be just amazing," I muttered under my breath, and Ace caught my gaze, his expression unreadable. I forced a smile, but it felt too forced, like wearing a mask that didn't fit.

"Thank you both for coming," Anastasia began, her voice all business. "I have an important mission for you. After analyzing your performance on the Paris assignment, I've decided you both make an exceptional team. You worked seamlessly together, and I believe you can replicate that success."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my heart sinking as I looked at Ace, who seemed just as shocked.

"You'll be partners from now on. Expect to work together on future missions," she explained, her tone devoid of the excitement I felt churning in my stomach.

I glanced at Ace, and the world around me faded. Partnered with him? My mind raced, replaying the moment he'd confessed his feelings for me and how I had rejected him. This was a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

"Are you serious?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. "After everything...?"

"Yes, I'm serious. This partnership could enhance our operations," Anastasia replied, seemingly unfazed by the tension in the room. "You both have skills that complement each other. It's time to put those to use."

As I absorbed her words, a mix of anger and despair coursed through me. I wanted to scream, to demand that she find someone else for this mission. But instead, I just nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat.

"Great. Can't wait," Ace said, a touch of sarcasm lacing his voice, though his expression was unreadable.

Anastasia leaned forward, her voice low and serious as she began to outline the mission. "Listen closely, because this isn't your typical operation. We have intelligence that a rogue group, known as the Helix Syndicate, has acquired an experimental device capable of manipulating sound waves. This device, dubbed the Sonic Disruptor, can generate frequencies that disrupt communication systems, causing chaos in high-security environments. It could bring entire cities to their knees by cutting off emergency services and communication networks."

She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in before continuing. "But that's not all. The Syndicate is planning to test this device during the grand opening of the Nexus, a new state-of-the-art research facility in the heart of Silicon Valley. They're aiming to turn a grand celebration into a catastrophic event. Your objective is to infiltrate the event, locate the device, and neutralize the threat before it can be activated."

I exchanged a glance with Ace, and the reality of the situation began to sink in.

Anastasia continued, her tone becoming more urgent. "However, this isn't just about stopping the Syndicate. They're rumored to have alliances with other criminal factions that could complicate matters. You'll need to gather intelligence, blend in with high-profile guests, and utilize every ounce of your skills to navigate through this dangerous web of deception."

"And to make matters worse," she added, her expression darkening, "the Helix Syndicate has put traps all around the venue. The Sonic Disruptor is protected by a series of deadly countermeasures that can trigger seismic vibrations, creating structural collapses within the building if anyone gets too close. This is going to be one of the most challenging missions you've faced. If you fail, the fallout will be catastrophic."

The gravity of her words hung in the air like a storm cloud, and I felt the pulse of anxiety thrumming through my veins. This mission was far beyond what I had anticipated, and the thought of working alongside Ace again—after everything—sent shivers down my spine.



a dam demigoddess

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