Chapter Ten: I Want To Be Tangled Up With Him All Night

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As the clock inches toward midnight, I'm curled up on my couch, a book forgotten on my lap. The quiet hum of the night is broken by a soft knock at the window, and my heart skips a beat. I already know who it is before I even peek outside. Sure enough, Cole stands there, his silhouette outlined against the dim glow of the streetlamp. My pulse quickens as I move to open the window, a grin pulling at my lips.

"Hey," he whispers, his voice low, teasing, the hint of a smirk playing on his face. "Miss me?"

"Not at all," I reply sarcastically, stepping aside as I let him in.

Without hesitation, Cole closes the space between us. His lips crash into mine, hungry, demanding, like he's been waiting for this all day. His kiss is full of pent-up desire, and it's like every touch has the fire we've been playing with since day one. His hands grip my waist, pulling me impossibly closer, like he's afraid I might slip through his fingers.

"God, I missed you," he breathes between kisses, lips trailing down my neck, igniting every nerve. I can't help the moan that escapes, my body arching into his, craving more.

"I was with you last night," I manage to say, breathless as his teeth graze my collarbone, sending a shock of heat through me.

"Not enough," he growls, his voice husky, and I can feel the cocky smirk against my skin. "I could have you all day, every day, and it still wouldn't be enough."

I chuckle, the sound catching in my throat as his lips travel lower, making my head spin. "Cocky much?"

"Just confident," he murmurs, voice thick with desire as he lifts me in one swift motion, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. "And you love it."

He carries me easily, like I weigh nothing, and the world fades to a blur as we move into my room and towards my bed. Cole lays me down gently, hovering above me, his dark eyes blazing with lust and something that makes my heart stutter. His gaze drags over me, slow and deliberate, like he's memorizing every inch of my body.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he says, voice low and rough, his hands gliding up my sides, taking their sweet time. The way he says it makes my skin tingle, makes me want more, need more. He slowly takes my clothes off, as I hungrily reach for his shirt and pants to be taken off.

"Stop talking," I murmur, pulling him back down to me after we undress, desperate for the feel of him. My hands slide into his hair, tugging him closer, as if I could fuse us together.

Cole's hands grip my hips with a bruising intensity, his fingers digging into my skin as he slams into me, his pace relentless. Each powerful thrust sends shockwaves through my body, filling me completely, pushing me past the point of no return. A gasp escapes my lips, the pleasure overwhelming, tinged with just enough surprise to leave me breathless.

His rhythm is intoxicating, a perfect blend of roughness and control that leaves me clinging to him for more. My fingers dig into his shoulders, nails biting into his skin as I try to anchor myself, but it's impossible to hold on. The sensation of him thrusting inside me, deep and urgent, erases every coherent thought. Every part of me feels alive, consumed by the raw intensity of him.

"Cole," I moan, his name slipping from my lips like a prayer, as my body moves in sync with his. I can feel the heat building inside me, coiling tight in my core, threatening to unravel with every thrust. My body responds instinctively, hips rolling to meet him, matching his pace, desperate for release.

"You feel so fucking good," he groans, his voice gravelly and low, adding fuel to the fire. His hands grip my hips tighter, guiding me as I ride him, pushing me further, deeper into the pleasure that's consuming me. I can barely breathe, every nerve ending alight, the friction between us sending me spiraling closer to the edge.

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