Chapter Eleven: Sherlock's Deduction, Watson's Seduction

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As I step into the office, the buzz of activity around me is palpable. It feels different somehow, more chaotic yet thrilling. The giant banner hanging above the reception reads "Welcome to Scale Zero," and I can't help but roll my eyes at the absurdity. The merger has officially begun, and with it, I can feel the tension in the air.

I spot Anastasia standing at the front of the room, her gaze sharp as she addresses the team. "Listen up, everyone! The merge has begun, and as of now, we are officially Scale Zero. All the Agency Zero agents are now part of our operation."

A murmur spreads through the room as the reality sinks in. It feels like we're being swallowed whole by some kind of agency monster. I glance over at Cole, who stands with his arms crossed, looking equally bemused by the news.

"Now, to facilitate this transition, we're breaking everyone into groups," Anastasia continues, her voice steady and commanding. "Groups A and B have already been assigned missions, and you are all now in Group C."

I groan internally. Group C? We're the backup plan, the second string. My eyes scan the room, taking in the mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. "Great," I mutter under my breath. "Just what I wanted."

"Ace and Adriana are the only Group C agents that are going to be going on a mission right now. Don't even ask me about missions, you'll only be assigned one if I want to give you one. And all you have are encouraged to work in partnerships, for safety, etcetera."

Anastasia finishes outlining the new structure, and my heart sinks as I realize the implications. "Adriana and Ace, remember, this mission needs to go perfectly. If it doesn't, we'll have to establish Group D, and trust me, you don't want to be in that group."

Feeling the weight of her words, I immediately think of how to move up a group. "Can I—" I start, but she cuts me off with a sharp look.

"Adriana, focus on your role in Group C. You need to prove yourself."

Frustrated, I glance over at Ace, who stands with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He's been giving me dirty looks all day, and it's infuriating. "What's your problem?" I shoot back, but he just shrugs, avoiding eye contact.

I take a deep breath, trying to swallow my pride. "Listen, Ace," I say, sidling up to him during a break. "I'm sorry for being a total bitch, last night."

He shakes his head, his expression cold. "You think I care? Just focus on your part."

I watch him walk away, frustration bubbling inside me. Why is he being such a jerk? I want to yell after him, to tell him how much this whole situation is affecting me, but I just stand there, feeling defeated.

But the silence in the air stings too much. I can't let this go. "Hey!" I call out, stepping after him. He halts but doesn't turn around. "Why are you acting like this?"

He finally spins on his heel, eyes narrowing. "Acting like what? Like you? You think you can just waltz in here and apologize after being a total diva? Newsflash, Adriana: this isn't about you."

I grit my teeth, every word he throws at me igniting my anger. "I'm trying to make things better! But you're impossible!"

"Impossi—" He scoffs, running a hand through his hair. "You think it's easy for me too? I didn't ask for this merger or for you to be in my group. I'm just trying to do my job!"

"Yeah, well, maybe if you weren't so busy being a stubborn jerk, we could actually work together," I snap, my voice rising. "You're acting like I'm the only problem here."

"Maybe if you weren't so focused on playing the victim, you'd see that!" he shoots back, his frustration palpable. "This isn't just about you, and I'm not going to babysit your feelings!"

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