Chapter Sixteen: The Odds Are So Not In My Favor

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The darkness of the Louvre tunnels feels suffocating, but it's in this weighty silence that I find my resolve. I've rehearsed my escape plan over and over in my mind, and now it's time to put it into action. The moment I hear footsteps echoing through the corridor, my adrenaline surges. I can't afford to hesitate; I need to strike first.

As the first enemy agent comes into view, I crouch low behind a stack of crates, heart racing. He's alone, oblivious to the danger lurking nearby. I wait for him to pass, then spring into action, using the element of surprise to my advantage. I launch myself at him, tackling him to the ground with surprising force. He grunts as the wind is knocked out of him, and I quickly pull his sidearm from its holster, pressing it against his side to ensure he knows I mean business.

"Stay down," I hiss, pinning him beneath me until I'm sure he won't move.

Next, I make my way deeper into the tunnels, feeling the cool stone walls close in around me. The faint sound of laughter and conversation reaches my ears, signaling a cluster of agents up ahead. My mind races as I weigh my options. I know I can't take them all head-on, so I decide to use stealth to my advantage.

I sneak up on the first two agents, who are standing with their backs to me, engaged in idle chatter. With a swift motion, I grab one by the shoulder, spinning him around before delivering a sharp elbow to his jaw. He crumples to the floor, and before his partner can react, I whip around, delivering a roundhouse kick that sends him sprawling against the wall. They're down before they even realize what hit them.

I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, driving me forward as I move deeper into the labyrinth. The tunnel system twists and turns, each passage more shadowy than the last. I stumble across a small room lined with shelves of equipment—this could be a treasure trove of weapons. I grab a heavy metal pipe and wield it like a club, ready for the next encounter.

As I round another corner, I spot a group of three agents stationed near a doorway. Their eyes widen as they see me, but I'm faster. I swing the pipe low, catching the first agent by surprise and sending him tumbling to the ground. The other two shout in alarm, but I don't give them time to react. I duck beneath a wild swing aimed at my head, rolling forward to trip one of them with my leg. He hits the ground hard, and I don't hesitate—turning my momentum into a powerful kick to his ribs.

The last agent lunges at me, and I narrowly sidestep his advance, sending him crashing into the wall. I capitalize on his moment of disorientation, grabbing him from behind and delivering a sharp knee to his gut before flipping him onto the ground. I can't help but feel a surge of exhilaration as they fall, one by one.

Continuing on, I hear more voices, this time coming from a narrow passage to my right. I peak around the corner and see another group of four agents. They're laughing, unaware of the storm that's about to hit them. My instincts kick in as I devise a quick plan. I grab a loose rock from the ground and throw it into the opposite passage. The loud clattering noise diverts their attention, and as they turn to investigate, I spring into action.

I dart forward, my body moving fluidly as I tackle the first agent from behind, bringing him down with a quick jab to the neck. The other three whirl around, their expressions shifting from confusion to anger. I waste no time; I leap forward, kicking one agent hard in the chest, sending him crashing into the wall with a satisfying thud. I grab the second agent, spinning him around to face me, and with a swift motion, I tie my leather jacket around his throat, choking him until he goes limp. It's brutal, but I can't afford to hesitate.

Finally, I'm left with the last agent, who's frozen in shock at the chaos unfolding around him. I charge at him, using the momentum of my body to knock him off balance. He stumbles back, giving me the opportunity to deliver a swift uppercut that sends him sprawling to the ground.

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