Chapter Thirty-One: Confessions of a Hopeless Romantic (Who's Totally Hopeless)

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 As I step further into the party, the music pulses around me, and the lights dance like they're trying to pull me into the festivities. It's a scary counterpart of my high school's homecomings, but at work. I shiver at the thought. If we have a mosh pit, I'm leaving.

The party is in full swing, but all I can focus on is Ace. I spot him across the room, and my stomach flips. Of course, he's wearing a wine-red shirt that matches my dress perfectly—thanks, Ava, for your uncanny ability to meddle in our lives. Ugh, why does he have to look so good? I try to catch his eye, but every time I look his way, my stomach drops, and I quickly glance down at my drink.

The tension between us feels palpable, like we're stuck in a bubble of awkwardness that just won't pop. I can see Ace talking to a couple of friends, and when he glances my way, I can't help but look away. What if he brings up the whole Cole situation again? I'm not ready for that conversation.

But of course, fate has other plans. He walks over, his expression a mix of annoyance and something softer, maybe concern? "Hey," he says, crossing his arms, his tone more serious than I expected.

"Hey," I reply, forcing a smile. My heart races, and I try to focus on anything but how mad he was about me possibly sleeping with Cole.

"Nice shirt," I say, trying to lighten the mood, but it feels like I'm just throwing out weak attempts to break the ice.

"Yeah, I figured it would match your dress," he replies, the corner of his mouth twitching in a way that makes me feel a little less tense. But then his expression hardens again. "So... about Cole..."

I can feel my cheeks flush. "Seriously? Can't we just pretend that's not happening?" I shake my head, wishing I could disappear into the crowd.

He steps closer, and the scent of his cologne washes over me. "Adriana, I'm just saying—"

"I can't deal with your shit right now, Ace!" I blurt out, the words spilling out before I can think. I take a deep breath, realizing how harsh that sounded. "I just... I need to talk to Ava."

Before I can walk away, he reaches out and gently grabs my arm, pulling me back. "Wait. I'm sorry. I just... I don't like the idea of you with him."

"Why do you care so much?" I challenge, crossing my arms defensively, but deep down, I can feel the anger slowly draining from me. It's ridiculous how his opinion affects me.

"Because I know what kind of guy Cole is. And I don't want you getting hurt," he replies, frustration evident in his voice. "I told you he was bad news, and I was right!"

I roll my eyes, trying to suppress a grin because he's acting so dramatic, and it's honestly a little funny. "So what? You're just mad that you were right?" I shoot back, but there's a hint of laughter in my voice. "You're acting like a jealous boyfriend."

"I'm not jealous!" He protests, but the way his cheeks flush hints otherwise. "I just—"

Before he can finish his sentence, I find myself unexpectedly giggling. "You're so mad about this whole thing. It's like watching a toddler throw a tantrum."

"Ha-ha, very funny." He narrows his eyes at me, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.

"Okay, okay! Let's just agree that we both have our issues, and I need to talk to Ava." I take a step back, but he steps closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug.

His hands are warm against my hips, and my own hands instinctively slide up to the nape of his neck. The hug feels surprisingly comforting, despite the chaos in our heads. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, steady and calming, as if the world around us is fading away.

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