Chapter Twenty-Two: When You Get Croissants And A Stripper Dress

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The sunlight spills into the room, warming my face as I slowly wake up. My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I notice is the delightful aroma wafting through the air. I sit up, blinking at the sight before me—a full French breakfast spread out on the small table beside my bed. There's everything: perfectly flaky croissants, golden pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, scrambled eggs that look like they were made by a gourmet chef, and crispy bacon arranged with care. My heart swells at the sight, a mixture of gratitude and confusion filling me. Did Ace really do all this?

Just then, I hear footsteps, and Ace appears in the doorway, a sheepish grin on his face. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he teases, but there's a warmth in his voice that makes my heart flutter a bit. He walks over to my bed and sits down, the mattress sinking slightly under his weight.

"I, uh, wanted to say sorry for last night," he begins, his tone shifting to something more sincere. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just being an idiot."

I roll my eyes, refusing to look at him. "You know what? Save it," I mutter, pushing the covers aside and getting out of bed. I head straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth, the familiar motion grounding me even as my mind races.

As I scrub away the remnants of sleep, a twinge of hurt settles in my chest. It's a feeling I can't shake, one that's all too familiar. Growing up, my eating habits were a joke to everyone. When I was just an average kid, they called me fat; then, when I started eating less, they told me to eat more. It's like I could never win. I rinse my mouth, splashing water on my face in an attempt to wash away the memories, but they cling stubbornly to me.

"Adriana," Ace calls from the other room, his voice softer now. "I really am sorry. I messed up, okay?"

I finish brushing my teeth and step back into the bedroom, where he's already digging into his breakfast. I watch him for a moment, my emotions swirling. There's something about his honesty that disarms me, but I can't just let it go. Not this time.

"Whatever," I say, trying to sound nonchalant as I walk over and take a seat next to him at the table. I grab a croissant and take a bite, chewing slowly in silence.

"I really didn't mean to upset you," he continues, glancing at me with those earnest blue eyes. "You know I care about you, right? I was just trying to joke around."

"Yeah, well, your jokes are great," I reply, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Really hit home, especially considering my history."

Ace pauses, looking genuinely taken aback. "I didn't know it was that serious. I thought we were just messing around."

I sigh, feeling the weight of my past pressing down on me. "Messing around? It's always messing around with you, Ace. But you don't get it. I can't just laugh it off like you can."

"I get it," he insists, reaching over to gently nudge my arm. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to trigger anything. Can we just... start over?"

I roll my eyes, taking another bite of the flaky croissant, its buttery layers crumbling slightly. I'm not sure how to respond. The last thing I want is to open up about all the hurt that lingers just beneath the surface. So, I keep chewing, hoping the food will somehow fill the uncomfortable silence.

"Adriana," he presses, his tone turning serious. "I know I mess up a lot, but I genuinely didn't mean to hurt you."

His sincerity is disarming, and I feel a flicker of warmth in my chest. But I don't want to make it easy for him. Not this time. I take my time, pretending to savor each bite as I avoid his gaze, staring instead at the spread in front of me.

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