Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ain't No 'I' In Trouble, Just The 'U' Since We Met

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I grab my phone and take a deep breath, dialing the Scale Zero office in Palo Alto. The phone rings for a few moments before someone answers, and I quickly cut to the chase. "Hey, it's Adriana. I'm calling about the Syndicate situation. Any updates?"

"Hi, Adriana! We're actually getting close," the agent replies, their tone upbeat. "The team is working hard on tracking down their next move. We might have a line on their whereabouts in a couple of days."

"Great," I say, trying to keep my voice steady, but a flicker of anxiety shoots through me. The last thing I want is to be stuck waiting around in this safe house with Ace when the stakes are so high. "Thanks for the update."

After hanging up, I pull up Anastasia's number. I need to share this information with her, especially since we've been keeping in touch through all this chaos. She picks up on the second ring, and I hear her familiar voice.

"Adriana! How's it going?" she asks, and I can almost picture her beaming smile.

"It's... okay. I just got off the line with Palo Alto. They're closing in on the Syndicate, but it might take a couple more days," I explain, trying to keep my tone light despite the tension in my chest.

Anastasia's tone shifts, becoming more serious. "That's good to hear. Just hang in there. You two will make it through. You're strong, and you've got each other."

She continues. "You and Ace are a fantastic team. I always knew you two would work well together. You make the mission look easy."

I can feel the ache in my heart at her words. "Yeah, we're good partners," I say, but my voice catches slightly. The memories of the last few days, the arguments, the hurt, all swirl around in my head.

"Exactly! You both balance each other out. Your skills complement one another perfectly," she continues, oblivious to the turmoil inside me. "I really believe that together, you can handle anything the Syndicate throws at you."

Suddenly, I blurt out, "Is it possible for me to resign?" The question hangs in the air, and I'm taken aback by my own boldness. "Just wondering."

There's a moment of silence on the other end, and then I hear her pleading tone. "Please don't say that, Adriana. I know things are tough right now, but you're so valuable to us! We need you."

I roll my eyes, half-smiling despite myself. "Fine, fine. Just a thought." But then another idea pops into my head, and I ask, "What if I went back to being an interrogation agent?"

"Are you sure?" Anastasia asks, and I can hear the concern in her voice. "You'd be leaving behind a lot of what you've built up here. But if that's what you want, I'll support you."

I nod, even though she can't see me. "Yeah, I think I'd like that. I just need something different right now."

"Okay, let's make it happen. I'll set everything in motion," she says, her voice steady with confidence. "Just promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay?"

"Always," I reply softly, and with that, I cut the call.

Sinking back into the couch, I stare at the wall, my heart racing with mixed emotions. I'm not sure if this change will really help me, but at least it gives me a sense of control amid the chaos. Maybe it'll help me find my footing again, especially when everything feels so uncertain with Ace.

The day drags on in the same suffocating silence, each passing hour filled with unspoken words and lingering tension. I spend the morning trying to occupy myself with mindless distractions—scrolling through my phone, flipping through channels on the old TV, anything to keep my mind from wandering back to Ace. But every time I glance at him, I feel that familiar ache in my chest, a mixture of longing and disappointment.

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