Chapter Thirty-Seven: My Life as Ace's Favorite Blanket

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Ace and I settle down on the couch, plates of reheated leftovers in hand. He flips on the TV, and I can't help but grin when Friends pops up on the screen. It's a comforting routine—one that started all the way back on the Paris mission, when we'd binged a few episodes after a particularly grueling day of trying to outmaneuver security at the Louvre. I nudge his arm playfully, remembering how we had laughed until we were both breathless, the tension of the mission melting away.

He throws an arm around my shoulders, and I snuggle in closer, munching on my food while the iconic theme song plays. We're only a few minutes in when I lean over to whisper, "You know, I'm still the best at everything we do, right? Just saying." I give him a knowing smirk.

Ace's eyes narrow slightly, his lips twitching in amusement. "Oh yeah?" he challenges, arching an eyebrow. "Including that time you couldn't get into the Louvre Tunnels without my help?"

"Details, details," I say, shrugging it off, unable to hold back my grin. I take my now-empty plate and set it aside, feeling a familiar surge of playfulness as I shift, swinging my leg over his lap and settling on top of him.

Ace's hands move to my waist, his touch gentle but possessive. I lean in, my lips brushing along his jawline as I whisper, "You know I let you take the lead, right? Just to make you feel better."

He chuckles, the vibrations traveling through me. "Oh, is that so?" He tilts his head slightly, giving me more access, his voice low and teasing. "Because I seem to remember you tripping right into my arms. Pretty convenient, if you ask me."

"Please," I scoff, my lips brushing against his skin, my breath warm against his neck. "You wish I needed rescuing that badly. I was just... strategically repositioning."

"Sure you were," he says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice. His hands tighten slightly on my hips, his eyes meeting mine, sparkling with that familiar mischief. "Honestly, I think you just wanted an excuse to get close to me. Can't blame you—I am pretty irresistible."

I pull back, giving him a mock-serious look. "Irresistible? That's a bit of a stretch, Callahan."

His grin widens. "You don't think so? Because if memory serves me right, you're the one currently straddling me."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Oh, trust me, I'm only here because you're like a halfway decent pillow. Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Nowhere, huh?" He leans back, a cocky smile on his lips. "Funny, because I think flattery's working just fine—it got me the hottest, smartest, most amazing girl straddling me right now."

I roll my eyes, unable to keep the smile off my face. "You're such an idiot."

"Your idiot," he corrects, his hands sliding up my sides, his thumbs tracing gentle circles against my skin. "And for the record, I'm totally fine with flattery getting me nowhere, as long as it keeps you right here."

The warmth in his gaze is enough to make my heart skip a beat, and I can't help but lean in, pressing my lips to his, the kiss soft and lingering. "You're lucky you're cute," I murmur against his lips, my fingers threading through his hair.

Ace's smirk grows as he pulls back just slightly, his eyes meeting mine, glinting with amusement. "And you're lucky I'm very okay with being your halfway decent pillow."

Ace's smirk deepens as he locks eyes with me, his amusement evident. "And you know what they say about pillows, right? They're always there for support."

I raise an eyebrow, letting out a laugh. "Are you really going to turn this into a whole speech about how great you are?"

"Just stating facts," he replies, his voice smooth, a playful challenge lingering in the air. "I mean, you did choose me to be your comfy, half-decent pillow, after all."

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