Chapter Seventeen: Fighting Through Betrayal

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As I sit there in the dark, tied up and fuming, a plan begins to form in my mind. I can't stay here, not with Ace's stupid face nearby, and I definitely can't let him think he can just walk back into my life after this betrayal. No, this is my mission now, and I'll be damned if I let him take it from me.

My hands are tied behind my back, but I can still move my fingers. I take a deep breath, grounding myself in the moment. I can't afford to panic. Instead, I focus on the rope binding my wrists. It's not too tight, just enough to keep me from easily breaking free. I need to work with what I have.

First, I wiggle my wrists, feeling the fibers of the rope dig into my skin. It's uncomfortable, but that's not my concern right now. I need to find a way to loosen the knots. Maybe if I twist my wrists just the right way... I concentrate, trying to remember how I saw someone get free in a movie once. It wasn't about brute strength; it was about the right angle.

As I experiment, I can feel the knots starting to give way slightly. Yes! That's it. Just a little more pressure, a little more twisting, and—

"Adriana, what are you doing?" Ace's voice cuts through my concentration, and I feel a surge of irritation. He thinks he can swoop in and help me? No way. This is my fight now.

"Shut up, Ace," I hiss, not wanting him to ruin my focus. "I don't need your help."

I can hear him shift in the darkness, and I know he's probably feeling guilty or defensive or whatever. But I don't care. I'm not taking help from him. I'm not going to be the bigger person here, not when he's the one who put me in this position. He made his choice, and now he needs to live with it.

I refocus on the knots, using my nails to dig into the fibers, pulling and tugging as I twist my wrists again. Slowly but surely, I feel the rope loosening. Each tug is like a victory, a small step toward freedom. I'm almost there. Just a little more, and I'll be out of this stupid situation.

Finally, with one last determined twist, the rope slips free from my wrists, and I can feel the blood rushing back into my hands. I take a moment to revel in my small victory, but I know I can't waste time. I wipe the tears off my face, taking a deep breath to steady myself. I'm done being weak. I won't let Ace's betrayal break me.

I glance at Ace, who is still lingering in the darkness, and I feel a mix of anger and resolve. "Get the hell out of my way, Ace. This is my mission now. I don't need you."

Without waiting for a response, I leap to my feet and head for the door. I'm not looking back. I'm done with the past. I'm going to grab that laptop from the main room and disable the sonic disruptor, whether Ace likes it or not.

As I burst into the main room, my heart races with adrenaline. The chaos of the venue surrounds me, but I push it all aside. I scan the area for the laptop, my mind laser-focused. There it is, perched precariously on a cluttered table, surrounded by various gadgets and tech equipment.

I dash toward it, dodging the remnants of the fight that had taken place here earlier. My fingers fly over the keyboard, and I start typing furiously, pulling up the system to disable the sonic disruptor.

"Come on, come on," I mutter under my breath, urgency clawing at my insides. I'm not just racing against time; I'm racing against the bitter taste of betrayal that lingers in my mouth.

As I work, I feel a sense of empowerment wash over me. I'm doing this on my own, without Ace's help. I can take control of this mission, and I will.

"Fuck Ace. Fuck that dipshit," I whisper to myself, determination surging through me. This is my mission now, and I'm going to see it through to the end. No distractions, no excuses. Just me, the laptop, and the fight ahead.

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