Chapter Thirty-Three: Operation-Don't Let Ace Ruin My Birthday

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I'm deep in a dream when a loud shriek breaks through the calm of the night. My eyes snap open, and I groan, pulling the pillow over my head to block out the noise. But it's no use; the cacophony is relentless.

"Adriana! Wake up!" Cassie's voice cuts through the fog of sleep. I pull the pillow away and squint at the clock. It's midnight. My birthday has officially begun.

Before I can fully process what's happening, the door swings open, and Cassie bursts into my room, a beaming ball of energy. In her hands, she cradles a massive strawberry cream pound cake, the whipped frosting glistening in the soft glow of my bedside lamp.

"Happy birthday!" she shouts, practically bouncing on her feet. The cake is adorned with fresh strawberries, their vibrant red contrasting against the snowy white of the buttercream. I sit up, still dazed, as Cassie sways the cake from side to side like it's some kind of trophy.

"Cassie, it's midnight!" I protest, trying to stifle a smile.

Tyler shuffles in behind her, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn. He lifts a hand in greeting, a sleepy grin tugging at his lips. "Happy birthday, Adriana!" he mumbles, his voice raspy with sleep.

"Thanks, Tyler!" I call back, my heart swelling at their enthusiasm despite the late hour.

Cassie places the cake on my lap, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Make a wish!" she urges, her voice way too high-pitched for someone who just woke up.

I take a moment, my mind racing with all the possibilities. I close my eyes and think of everything I want—peace, happiness, maybe some clarity about Ace. I blow out the candles, and Cassie claps excitedly, practically bouncing off the walls.

"Now for the best part!" she exclaims, lunging forward. Before I can react, she pulls me into a tight hug. I can't help but laugh, but then—splat! She smears a generous amount of buttercream frosting across my cheek.

"Cassie!" I exclaim, feigning outrage as I wipe at my face, but I can't hide the laughter bubbling up. "You're going to pay for this!"

Tyler chuckles, trying to contain his laughter as he leans against the doorframe. "Happy birthday, indeed!" he says, shaking his head at Cassie's antics.

"Oh, come on! You know it's tradition!" Cassie grins, clearly loving every moment. She hands me a napkin, and I attempt to clean up, but the frosting is stubborn, clinging to my skin like a badge of honor.

"Thanks, you two," I say, my heart warming at the sight of them. "This really means a lot."

Tyler reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Starbucks gift card, handing it to me with a sheepish smile. "Thought you could use some caffeine," he says, his voice still sleepy but genuine. "Enjoy your birthday treats!"

"Thanks, Tyler!" I beam, tucking the card safely into my bedside drawer, knowing I'll definitely put it to good use.

"Now, let's eat cake!" Cassie declares, practically bouncing on her toes. I laugh and shake my head, completely awake now and ready to indulge in this unexpected celebration.

As we gather around the cake, I can't help but feel grateful. This chaotic midnight surprise is just what I needed to kick off my birthday. Even if it's messy and frosting-smeared, it's filled with love, laughter, and the warmth of family.

I wake up again at 6 AM, the early light filtering through my curtains, casting soft patterns on my walls. My body feels a little heavier today, probably from the late-night celebrations and the cake still lingering in my system. But today is my birthday, and I'm determined to start it off right.

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