Chapter Thirty-One: What Not to Say to Your Ex-A Guide by Me

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Three months later, and Cassie is fully in her third trimester—an emotional rollercoaster that's left her feeling more like a piñata than a person. The mood swings are wild, and she's gone from being my brave little sister to someone who cries at the mere thought of pineapple pizza. Seriously, she lost it over that.

I've managed to snag more leave time from Anastasia, who's been surprisingly sympathetic to my situation. I guess she sees me as the big sister type, and I appreciate her kindness—especially with Tyler also taking as many leaves as he can to help. I just wish I could make Cassie feel more at ease.

But today, I'm back at work, steeling myself for whatever's next. The office buzzes around me, but I'm laser-focused on my task. I walk into the interrogation room, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders. I'm still feeling the pressure of everything that's happened—my personal life has been a mess lately, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm juggling too many things at once.

Today's target is a guy named Derek Reyes. He's in his early thirties and has a history that reads like a thriller novel. He's an ex-con turned whistleblower—or at least that's what he claims. He got busted for hacking but swears he's turned over a new leaf and is now providing intel on other hackers within the Helix Syndicate. I've heard rumors about him, that he used to work with the worst of the worst before he realized he could do better.

As I enter the room, I size him up. He's got a scruffy beard and a tattoo of a phoenix rising from ashes on his forearm, which feels ironic, given his past. He sits with an air of defiance, arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Adriana, right?" he says, smirking at me like he knows something I don't.

"Let's skip the small talk, Derek," I reply, taking a seat across from him. "We both know why you're here."

"Oh, really? Enlighten me," he says, his eyes glinting with mischief.

I lean forward, keeping my tone steady. "You're here because we need information. You claim you've turned your life around, but we need proof. Tell me who else is involved in the Syndicate, and I'll see what I can do about reducing your sentence."

He laughs—a low, bitter sound. "You think I'm just going to roll over? I didn't get to where I am by spilling my guts to someone like you."

I raise an eyebrow, feeling the challenge in his words. "Then let's see how long you can hold out."

I start laying out everything I know about him—his past crimes, the connections he had with notorious hackers, and how he got caught trying to sell classified information. I watch as his expression changes from smug to defensive, the smirk fading.

Minutes pass, and I push harder. I ask about his former associates, how they operated, and who the current players are. I keep the pressure on him, methodically dismantling his defenses. Each question is designed to poke at the cracks in his armor.

"Are you really willing to go down for people who don't care about you?" I ask, letting my voice drop. "You're worth more than that, Derek. But you've got to give me something to work with."

He falters for a moment, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "You don't know what it's like, okay? They don't care about loyalty. They'll throw you under the bus as soon as they think you're a liability."

I can see it now—the fear of betrayal that's haunted him, the way it clings to him like a shadow. "So why not start fresh? You have a chance to do something good. Just give me the names, and we can talk about what happens next."

The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of possibilities. Slowly, I see the wall he's built begin to crumble. "Alright, alright. I'll talk," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "But you need to promise me protection. They'll come after me if they find out I squealed."

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