Chapter Thirty-Five: How to Accidentally Fall in Love in Five Minutes

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"Anytime, Adriana," he murmurs, his voice low. And for a moment, I let myself hope that we can find our way back to each other.

Cassie calls my name from across the room, her voice ringing out over the chatter. "Adriana! It's gift time!"

I glance at Ace, who gives me an encouraging nod, and I head over to the table where everyone has gathered, Andrea still in my arms. There's a pile of brightly wrapped presents, gift bags, and envelopes, and I can't help but smile at the sight of it all. My friends and family surround me, their excitement palpable as they urge me to start opening the gifts.

Most of what I receive are gift cards—Starbucks, Target, my favorite bookstore—all practical and thoughtful. I laugh as I pull out a fat care package from Ava, filled with snacks, fuzzy socks, face masks, and even a small bottle of wine. "Just in case you need a girls' night," she winks at me, and I shake my head, grinning.

Cassie's gift is next—a bunch of new clothes, all ones she knows I've been eyeing but never had the time to buy for myself. I give her a big hug, Andrea squirming between us, and Cassie gives me a sly smile. "You deserve to treat yourself, Adri."

Finally, there's one last box left on the table—a small, neatly wrapped package. I recognize Ace's handwriting on the tag, and my heart skips a beat as I pick it up, feeling its weight in my hands. Ace stands a few steps away, watching me carefully, his expression almost neutral, but I can see it in his eyes—the hope, the nervousness. He doesn't show it often, but I've known him long enough to read the subtle cues.

Everyone's eyes are on me as I unwrap the paper, revealing a small black velvet box. I glance at Ace, who gives me a small nod, his lips pressed together in a tight line. My fingers are trembling slightly as I lift the lid, and inside is a delicate silver ring. It glints under the lights, simple yet elegant, and my breath catches as I notice the tiny engraving on the inside.

Ace x Adriana.

I gasp, my eyes widening, and I look up at Ace, who is now biting his lip, his gaze fixed on me. Without a second thought, I slip the ring onto my finger—it fits perfectly, as if it was always meant to be there. The room around us seems to fade away, and all I can see is Ace, standing there, trying to appear nonchalant, but I can see the way his hands are tucked into his pockets to hide the nervous twitching.

He takes a step forward, his eyes meeting mine, and the room falls quiet, the air between us heavy with anticipation. Ace clears his throat, his voice soft as he speaks. "I, uh... I got that for you a while ago." He scratches the back of his neck, his gaze flickering between me and the floor. "Actually, I got it to give to you during the Paris mission."

My heart pounds in my chest as I remember that night—the two of us dancing in matching outfits, the Louvre bathed in golden light. It had felt almost magical, like a moment out of a dream. I never knew he had this with him, that he'd planned to give me something so... meaningful.

He continues, his voice barely above a whisper, "But I didn't have the guts to do it then, and... I kept putting it off. I didn't know if it was the right time, or if you'd even want it." He lets out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head as if he's laughing at himself. "Honestly, I've been carrying it around for way too long."

I feel a lump form in my throat, my eyes stinging. He'd kept this for me, all this time. He was going to give it to me back when everything was simpler—before the fights, before the misunderstandings, before I confessed my feelings and he turned me down.

Ace steps closer, his eyes searching mine, and I can see the vulnerability in his gaze. He's not the confident, smooth-talking agent right now. He's just Ace—my Ace. The one who knows how I like my coffee, who has pictures of us from our missions together, who's always been there, even when we were at odds.

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