A hidden gem

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As Alicent made her way toward her chambers, her mind drifted back to the beginning of the day. She had woken early, the morning sunlight gently filtering through the curtains, and her thoughts had immediately turned to the burdens that lay ahead. After speaking with Hermione over breakfast, she had made a resolute decision. It was clear that the best course of action was to actively work towards garnering public favor—to connect with the people, not simply as a queen but as someone who genuinely cared for them. After all, they were her people. Helping them in their time of need was not just a duty but a responsibility she intended to uphold.

The plan had been set in motion, and her day had been filled with strategic movements. Alicent had descended to the Freebottom—the bustling, lower sections of the capital—where her presence had been greeted with both surprise and curiosity. She knew that to the public, she had often been a distant figure, a queen in her high tower. But today, she had gone amongst them, letting them see her, hear her words, and feel her care. It was crucial to show them that she stood with them, that their queen was more than a name on a throne.

Yet, that wasn't the only event that had shaped her day. She had crossed paths with Daemon Targaryen—an encounter that had stirred something unexpected. Their dynamic had always been fraught with tension, a mix of old grudges and unresolved emotions. But today, there had been a shift. There was something in the way Daemon had approached her, a spark in his eyes that she hadn't seen in quite some time. The air between them had been charged, yet strangely playful.

They had exchanged quips, and his biting words, though sharp, had felt less venomous and more teasing. It was almost as if they were dancing around an unspoken understanding. His subtle touches, the heat in his gaze—it was as if he were daring her to acknowledge the flame that still flickered between them, even after everything. Daemon had always been unpredictable, but this... this felt different. He had pressed close, and though it was nothing outright improper, the edge of danger in his proximity had sent a ripple through her. Alicent had felt a strange heat rising within her, like a fire gently being stroked to life.

She had left that encounter feeling unsettled yet curious, her mind replaying the moment over and over. Daemon Targaryen was a man of contradictions—reckless yet calculating, wild yet controlled—and she found herself drawn to that complexity. His behavior, his words, and the unspoken tension that had passed between them gnawed at her thoughts as she walked through the corridors of the Red Keep.

As Alicent hurried back to her chambers, a sudden thought gripped her—the protection charm she had cast over Aegon and Sirion had likely worn off by now. Her magic, already volatile in this unfamiliar body, had become unpredictable, especially after the strain of pregnancy. She had found it increasingly difficult to manage, even though she knew these spells by heart. A brief wave of concern flashed through her mind, but she pushed it aside, quickening her pace. There would be time to deal with the volatility of her magic later. Right now, her boys needed her.

As she neared her chambers, Alicent paused, her senses picking up something unusual—a soft, angelic voice drifting from inside. It was a lullaby, one she had never heard before. She frowned, a mix of curiosity and protectiveness stirring inside her. Quietly, she pushed the door open, slipping into the room with measured steps.

The sight that greeted her made her pause in surprise.

There, cradling both Aegon and Sirion in her arms, was a young girl. She couldn't be more than sixteen, her youthful face framed by cascading brown curls, and her vivid blue eyes sparkled softly in the dim light. The girl’s gentle singing filled the room with warmth, her voice wrapping around the boys like a comforting blanket. Both Aegon and Sirion were fast asleep, snuggled against her.

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