The Lion-Hearted

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James Potter, biological father of Sitara, was many things in life—brave, mischievous, fiercely loyal to his friends, and ever protective of those he loved. At Hogwarts, he was known for his lion-hearted nature, his loyalty to his friends, and his notorious rivalry with Severus Snape. Now, in the afterlife, James sometimes found himself reflecting on those days, realizing that he had been unnecessarily cruel to Severus. He had been a teenager then, immature and reckless. Time had given him the chance to change, to grow into a man who could own up to his mistakes and take responsibility for his actions. His love for Lily had matured him, and in his sixth year, she had finally agreed to date him. By the time they left Hogwarts, they were married. He smiled at the memory—they had been so young, only nineteen, but they were ready to take on the world together.

And soon after, their lives had been filled with the greatest joy: their daughter, Sitara Evangeline Potter Black. His Bambi. His little fawn. The light in their dark world.

As Voldemort’s shadow loomed ever closer, James and Lily found solace in their daughter. She was their hope in the war-torn world, a world teetering on the edge as Voldemort rose to power. They fought valiantly, standing against the Dark Lord not once, but three times. But they had little idea that their courage would mark Sitara as a target. When Sybill Trelawney uttered the prophecy about the one who would have the power to defeat Voldemort, no one could have known that it would spell such dark times for their family. There were two possible candidates: their daughter, Sitara, and Neville Longbottom. Many believed Neville was the chosen one, but James and Lily knew better. They had seen the darkness creeping closer and closer to their family.

James had wanted to protect Sitara at all costs, to take her somewhere safe, perhaps one of the Potter ancestral properties, places of old magic and protection. But Lily, who held Albus Dumbledore in such high regard, insisted they follow his advice. They would hide in Godric’s Hollow, under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. Dumbledore had even recommended their close friend Peter Pettigrew as Secret-Keeper, something James would regret for the rest of his existence.

That fateful night, October 31st, 1981, came faster than they could have imagined. Voldemort chose their family, not the Longbottoms. James had been the first to fall, defending his wife and daughter with every ounce of his being, but without his wand, he stood no chance. Lily soon followed, casting the final spell of protection that would save their precious Sitara from Voldemort’s wrath.

As spirits, James and Lily had lingered, watching helplessly as the events of that night unfolded. They had watched Voldemort fall, undone by Lily’s sacrificial protection, and felt a fleeting sense of hope. But it had been short-lived.

Their beloved daughter, the one they had sacrificed everything for, was left on the doorstep of Petunia Dursley. Watching over Sitara from the afterlife had been its own kind of torture. James had raged in helpless fury as his daughter was mistreated by her aunt and uncle, as she grew up in a world where she was unloved and unwanted. But no matter how hard they tried, James and Lily could do little more than leave small signs of their presence—little things here and there, hoping to give Sitara some sense that she was not alone.

They had watched her grow up, watched her face struggle after struggle, and when the time came, they had seen her receive her Hogwarts letter, ride the Hogwarts Express, and form her first friendships. James had felt an overwhelming sense of pride as Sitara took on the challenges of her school years, but he also worried constantly for her safety.

The events of the Chamber of Secrets had nearly broken him. Watching Sitara fight for her life against a basilisk, James had never felt so powerless. But she had survived. She had always survived.

In her third year, James had allowed himself a brief moment of joy when Sirius escaped from Azkaban. He had laughed at the thought of Sirius being the only person to break free from that horrible prison. But the joy had been short-lived. Despite everything, James and Lily had known they could never fully protect their daughter from the dark forces surrounding her. The Triwizard Tournament in her fourth year had been a particular nightmare. Watching Sitara in the graveyard with Voldemort, seeing him return to power, had shaken them both to their cores. That was the first time they had managed to physically manifest, to help her escape.

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