The Waves of Discord

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As the waves crashed against the shores of Dragonstone, the royal family began to settle into their ancestral home. The sea breeze was cool, and the mist hung over the castle like a veil. Viserys, exhausted from the long journey, had hoped to rest, but Aegon, his young son, had other plans. Bounding with energy, the little prince demanded to see the dragons.

Viserys sighed, attempting to delay the event. “Perhaps later, Aegon. After we’ve all rested—”

But before he could finish, Daemon stepped forward, his silver hair glinting in the fading sunlight. “I’ll take the princes to the dragon pit,” he offered, his voice smooth but commanding, the way only Daemon could be. Viserys, too tired to argue, nodded in agreement, waving them off with a tired smile.

Rhaenyra, who had been lingering near the back, immediately perked up. The mention of Daemon, and the prospect of being near him, was enough to make her decide on the spot. “I’ll come as well,” she said quickly, her voice sharp as she joined the group.

Daemon raised an eyebrow, slightly confused by her sudden enthusiasm. His niece had always been attached to him, but lately, she had been behaving a little too clingy for his liking. If it had been the Daemon of old, the one who once desired her, he would have basked in her attention, relishing in the game of it all. But now… now he was different. He had no need for that kind of affection. Not when he had Alicent. The quiet loyalty and love he had found in her filled the voids that used to make him yearn for more, even from someone like Rhaenyra, once the object of his desire.

As they made their way to the dragon pit, the grand walls of Dragonstone loomed overhead, casting long shadows on the group. Daemon walked with Aegon in his arms, the boy wriggling excitedly, eager to see the dragons. On the other side, Alicent walked with their second son, sirion, who held her hand tightly, though now he had started to protest, claiming that he was a “big boy” and wanted to walk on his own. Alicent, indulgent but cautious, let him go, watching as he toddled ahead on unsteady feet, still new to walking.
But Jaemarys and Helaena were becoming fussy so he asked her to tend to them, he would take Sirion.

The dragon pit was a place of power and ancient majesty, the roars of dragons echoing through its massive chambers. Daemon, always the dragon rider at heart, got caught up in the thrill of showing Aegon around, pointing out various dragons, their history, and the significance of each one. Aegon’s wide eyes sparkled with wonder, clutching onto his father’s hand, his small fingers wrapped around Daemon’s as they walked through the vast structure.

Rhaenyra stayed close to Daemon, watching him intently, her eyes lingering a little too long on him, trying to capture his attention. But Daemon’s focus was entirely on Aegon, and he seemed oblivious to her presence. Rhaenyra, however, didn’t care about the dragons; her attention was all on Daemon.

Alicent, meanwhile, had remained back at the castle, tending to Jaemarys and Helaena, both of whom had been unusually fussy. Their cries had been difficult to soothe, so she had reluctantly declined joining the dragon pit outing. Now, though, with the children calmed, she hurried to catch up with them, a slight worry nagging at the back of her mind for letting Cereon out of her sight.

In the pit, Daemon was so engrossed in explaining the dragons to Aegon that he didn’t notice when Sirion, ever the curious boy, had slipped away from his side. The little prince, his Targaryen blood pulsing with adventure, had wandered deeper into the dragon pit, his small legs carrying him toward something that called to him—an ancient, primal force.

It wasn’t until the ground beneath their feet trembled slightly that Daemon’s heart skipped a beat. The vibrations were unmistakable—the shift of a dragon rising. The pit shook with the power of something massive moving, and Daemon immediately turned, looking around frantically. That’s when he noticed—sirion was nowhere to be seen.

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