The Pulse of New Life

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Hermione, always quick on her feet, rushed over to where Daemon knelt, cradling Alicent’s unconscious form in his arms. His hands were trembling slightly as he patted her face, trying to wake her. "Nuhã liría, Nuhã liría," he whispered, the words a plea as much as a command. Alicent’s stillness made panic stir in his chest, a panic he hadn’t felt in years.

Sirius and Regulus, standing not too far away, noticed the sudden shift and immediately ran to their side. As Hermione knelt down beside Alicent, her hands quickly reached for the pulse point on the older woman’s wrist. Her heart raced as she prayed for a sign of life.

Sirius arrived first, breathless. “What happened?” he demanded, eyes wide with concern.

Daemon, still shaken, replied, “Everything was fine just a moment ago… and then she fainted. It was so sudden.”

Turning toward Hermione, Daemon’s voice grew anxious. “Could it be the magic from the bonding? Could it have been too much for her?”

Hermione shook her head firmly, still checking for signs of life. "No, that's not possible. Alicent has faced much darker magic before—magic meant to torture her. She handled it without flinching. A magic this pure and beautiful could not harm her so deeply."

Sirius, kneeling beside her, had begun rubbing Alicent’s legs, trying to bring warmth back into her body. Hermione's breath caught as she finally found a pulse—weak but present. “We need to get her inside the castle now,” Hermione ordered urgently. “If I’m right about what's happening, she cannot stay out in this cold.”

Daemon, not wasting a second, scooped Alicent into his arms with ease. The group hurried inside the castle, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. When they reached their chambers, Daemon gently laid Alicent on the bed and kissed her forehead before Hermione began ushering everyone out.

Reluctant to leave, Daemon, Sirius, and Regulus hesitated until Hermione practically shoved them out the door, closing it behind her. The minutes passed with agonizing slowness as they waited in the corridor.

Finally, Hermione emerged, a wide smile on her face, grinning from ear to ear. Daemon was the first to react. “Hermione, Alicent is unconscious, and you’re smiling?” His voice was sharp, laced with anger and confusion.

Hermione raised her hand, signaling for him to calm down. "I’m not responsible for her condition," she teased lightly.

Daemon’s frustration bubbled over. “So I am?” he asked, incredulous.

Hermione couldn’t help but laugh, the sound bubbling out as she tried to hold it back. “Well, technically… yes, you are.”

Sirius, unable to tolerate their banter any longer, cut in sharply. “Enough, you two. Hermione, what has happened to Alicent?”

Hermione’s grin only widened. “Why don’t you ask your son-in-law?” she quipped, before turning to Daemon with a more serious tone. "Daemon, congratulations. Your newly married wife is going to have more ‘hatchlings.’”

Daemon blinked, completely frozen as the words sank in. “What?” His brain struggled to comprehend what she was saying.

Regulus gasped, covering his mouth in shock, as realization hit him faster than it did Daemon.

Sirius, catching on, scowled and smacked Daemon on the back. “You bastard,” he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

The hit seemed to snap Daemon out of his stupor. “You’re joking,” he said weakly, his voice shaking.

Hermione shook her head, still smiling. “Congratulations, Prince Daemon. You’re going to be a father again.”

Daemon’s breath caught in his throat, and he stared at Hermione, stunned. "How far along?" Regulus asked quietly, his own excitement bubbling beneath his calm exterior.

“Just three weeks,” Hermione answered with a bright smile.

Sirius frowned. “Three weeks? How did you know? I thought pregnancies usually aren’t detected until two or three months in.”

Hermione nodded. “You’re right. Usually, the more obvious signs come later, but because of the magical bonding and the strong infusion of magic around her, the baby reacted. The child’s core is already forming, and it absorbed too much magic too quickly. That’s what caused Alicent to faint.”

Daemon stood completely still, his mind whirling with this revelation. Hermione reached out, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Daemon, don’t worry. Both she and the baby are perfectly fine."

Without another word, Daemon bolted back into the chambers, his emotions overwhelming him. He stood at the foot of the bed, struggling to keep his tears at bay. Alicent lay there, so peaceful and serene, her pale skin illuminated in the soft candlelight. To him, she looked like a goddess, the living embodiment of beauty and strength. His hand trembled as he reached out and gently placed it on her stomach.

Closing his eyes, Daemon felt the faint, flickering pulse of life, the magic of their bond enhancing the sensation. Tears slid silently down his face as he bent down, pressing a tender kiss to her belly. “Hello, my baby,” he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.

His soft touch stirred Alicent from her sleep. Her eyelids fluttered open, and Daemon quickly sat beside her, handing her a glass of water. He held her hand, drawing soothing patterns on her palm as she drank.

“What happened?” she asked, her voice hoarse with confusion.

Daemon smiled softly and guided her hand to her stomach. “Feel,” he said quietly.

Alicent focused, her brow furrowed, and then suddenly, she felt it—the small, growing life inside her. Her eyes widened as the realization hit, and tears filled her eyes.

“Daemon…” she whispered, overwhelmed.

He nodded, pulling her gently into his arms, cradling her against his chest as they both let the joy and happiness wash over them. In the quiet of the room, they sat together, united by the small, pulsing miracle growing between them.

As they sat in silence, the gravity of the moment enveloped them. Daemon's hand remained on her stomach, feeling the faint pulse of life growing inside her. Alicent, with her head resting on his chest, closed her eyes and focused on the sensation—the small flicker of magic and life intertwined with her own. It was overwhelming, yet beautiful.

"I'm going to be a mother again," Alicent whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Daemon kissed her forehead softly, his own heart racing with excitement and fear all at once.

"You are," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "and I will be with you every step of the way, my love. Our child... our family... it will be perfect."

Alicent smiled through her tears and tightened her hold around him, finding comfort in his words. The quietness of the room, the warmth of their bodies, and the magic between them created a sanctuary of peace, a moment frozen in time where nothing else mattered but the two of them and the new life they had just discovered.

Outside the room, Sirius, Regulus, and Hermione stood waiting, giving the couple the privacy they deserved, but sharing knowing glances of joy. Hermione, leaning against the wall, couldn't help but smile to herself. Life had an unexpected way of giving hope when least anticipated.

Back in the room, Daemon gently lifted Alicent’s chin to look into her tear-filled eyes. "We will protect this child with everything we have, just as we will protect Aegon and Sirion. No harm will come to them, I swear it."

Alicent nodded, her heart swelling with love and relief. She had endured much in her life, but now, with Daemon by her side and a new child to look forward to, she knew she had something even more precious to fight for.

They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, savoring the shared moment of love, peace, and the promise of a new beginning.

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