A queen's machines

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Nine months after the youngest twins were born to Queen Alicent Hightower, the air in King’s Landing felt charged with transformation.

The most significant shift in this time was Alicent's unexpected commitment to the common people. No longer the aloof queen content to live in the ivory tower of the Red Keep, she had become a maternal figure to the city’s orphans. Two orphanages now bore the names of her children, each designed with vibrant murals and warm beds, offering not just shelter but a semblance of hope. Alicent ensured that each establishment was well-staffed with nurturing teachers and knowledgeable maesters, creating an environment where the young could thrive.

With a determination that surprised even her closest advisors, Alicent oversaw the installation of a comprehensive sewer system—a long-neglected necessity that would transform the unsanitary streets of King’s Landing into a healthier environment. She took personal charge of hiring each maintenance worker, ensuring that every laborer received a fair wage, that no one was shortchanged or mistreated. Her compassion shone through as she walked among the workers, her presence a blend of grace and authority, handing out extra coins and words of encouragement.

Meanwhile, Otto Hightower observed his daughter with growing confusion. Where once she had been indifferent to the plight of the smallfolk, she was now their champion. Her actions began to cultivate a fervent public support for Aegon’s claim to the Iron Throne, which made Otto reluctant to voice his concerns. Perhaps Alicent had finally developed her own mind, but this independence was also a shadow over his carefully constructed influence.

Yet, amid his pride in Alicent’s accomplishments, a creeping unease settled in Otto’s chest. She had successfully orchestrated the marriage of her brother Gwayne to Lady Emily Rose Tyrell, a union that secured an alliance with the Reach. It was astonishing that a second son like Otto Hightower had managed to marry his children into such esteemed houses—Alicent to the king himself and Gwayne to the most beloved daughter of House Tyrell, a match that was the talk of the court.

Unbeknownst to Otto, his days were now numbered. Alicent’s patience with his incessant meddling was wearing thin. The seeds of rebellion she had planted in her mind began to blossom, each thought darker than the last.

When news reached her that Otto was favoring a young serving girl, Ella, a spark of opportunity ignited in her. One evening, she stumbled upon Ella, huddled in a corner of the castle, tears streaming down her cheeks as she tried to hide from Otto’s unwanted advances. Alicent’s heart swelled with a fierce protectiveness. She approached, her voice a soothing balm in the oppressive air.

“Don’t cry, dear,” she whispered, offering a pristine handkerchief embroidered with the Hightower crest. “I will protect you.”

In the flickering candlelight, Alicent outlined her plan. All Ella needed to do was slip a modified slow nightshade poison into Otto’s food and drink. This was no ordinary poison; it had been concocted by Severus Snape himself, known for its cruel efficacy. While nightshade was infamous for its lethal capabilities, this version would first unravel Otto’s mind, driving him slowly into madness before corroding his very body from within. A malicious blend of flesh-eating magic and toxic substance, it was designed for a long, torturous end.

“Just a few drops,” Alicent instructed, her tone steady and compelling. “No one will suspect. I will ensure your safety, but you must follow my orders.”

Ella nodded, her resolve stiffening as she took the dark vial Alicent handed her. The queen instructed her to burn the utensils Otto used, and to replace them with new ones, funded from her own pocket, ensuring no trace of their dark dealings would remain.

With her father soon to be out of the way, Alicent could finally begin to shape her destiny. Her ambitions expanded to include the Master of Coins, whose influence could prove invaluable. Alicent also knew she needed to fortify ties with the Velaryons, especially Rhaenys Targaryen, who wielded significant power, the queen who never was. An alliance with the Baratheons was also on her mind; Regulus had suggested a marriage between one of her children and one of Lord Baratheon’s daughters. Alicent felt the weight of that decision loom over her, uncertain of its merit.

Day by day, she prayed fervently to Mother Hecate for Daemon’s safe return. She longed for his presence, his strength by her side. The war continued to rage across the realm, yet her heart remained hopeful.

As the grand tourney approached to celebrate Aegon and Sirion’s second name day, Alicent poured her energy into preparations, weaving a tapestry of joy and festivity that concealed the dark currents swirling beneath the surface. She clung to the hope that Daemon would return soon, ready to stand by her side as she carved a new path for House Hightower--no that simply won't do--House Peverell.

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