Lord Commander of the City's Watch

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Daemon leaned back in his chair, fingers drumming lightly against the table as he half-listened to the usual drivel of the small council meeting. His mind wandered back to the night before with Alicent. She’d been cryptic but confident when she hinted at something big on the horizon for him, but Daemon hadn’t pressed for details. He trusted her, more than he’d trusted anyone in a long time, and whatever she was up to, he knew it was in his favor. He just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.

Viserys cleared his throat, his voice pulling Daemon from his thoughts. There was a heaviness in his brother’s tone that immediately set Daemon on edge. He straightened, glancing at the King, who seemed more serious than usual. Daemon’s eyes narrowed, curiosity piqued.

"Daemon," Viserys began, his gaze locking onto his younger brother, "There’s been a decision made. A new appointment."

Daemon’s heart quickened, though outwardly, he remained calm. His mind raced, considering the possibilities. Had Alicent already moved her pieces on the board? Was this the surprise she had promised?

"You are hereby appointed Lord Commander of the City Watch," Viserys announced, his voice clear and commanding. "Effective immediately."

For a moment, the world seemed to still. Daemon blinked, his heart thudding as the weight of the words sank in. Lord Commander. The power he had always craved, the control he had been denied, was suddenly within reach. His mind spun, thoughts clashing between ambition and caution.

But before he could fully absorb the magnitude of the appointment, Viserys added, "This recommendation came from Regulus Stark, the new Hand of the King."

Daemon exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. Relief washed over him, tempered by understanding. So it wasn’t directly Alicent—at least not overtly. But Regulus? Daemon smirked. Perhaps his wife had been working through the Hand, manipulating the situation in her own subtle way. His Clever girl.

Regulus had always been shrewd, a man who played the long game, and oh so fiercely loyal to his his niece, his little Tara. And if this was his doing, Daemon was more than willing to play along after all, him being the executer clearly meant that it was his wife's plan. After all, he’d just been handed control of the streets of King’s Landing, a power that could be wielded like a sword or a scalpel, depending on his whims.

Daemon stood slowly, savoring the moment. He could feel the eyes of every lord in the room on him, some curious, others wary. He relished it. This was what he had been waiting for—recognition, authority. And not just any authority, but the kind that could shape the city, bend it to his will.

He looked directly at Viserys, his elder brother who had always tried to keep him in check, to tame him. Daemon smirked inwardly. There would be no taming now.

"I accept the honor, Your Grace," Daemon said, his voice low and steady, though beneath it, a fierce satisfaction bubbled. "And I will serve the crown with all my strength."

Viserys nodded, clearly pleased with Daemon’s acceptance, his own smile forming, though Daemon could tell his brother didn’t fully understand the magnitude of what he had just unleashed. The rest of the lords murmured amongst themselves, some with approval, others with barely concealed skepticism. But Daemon didn’t care. He had won today.

As the meeting continued, Daemon’s mind wandered once more, this time to the implications of his new role. Lord Commander of the City Watch. The power to patrol, to police, to control the streets of King’s Landing was now in his hands. He could already envision the gold cloaks marching under his command, enforcing order—or chaos—depending on his desires.

His thoughts shifted to Alicent again. She had known. Somehow, she had orchestrated this, even if it wasn’t apparent to the rest of them. Her quiet manipulation, working through Regulus, had given him exactly what he wanted. She played the game of politics well, better than he could have imagined. But it made him wonder—just how much influence did she have? And how far was she willing to go for him?

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