the proclamation

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The news had spread like wildfire. Whispers traveled through the corridors of King's Landing and echoed in the halls of every noble house. The Starks, so far removed from the political heart of the Seven Kingdoms, had suddenly emerged as key players. First, Sirius Stark, the eldest, had sworn his sword to the Queen and Princess, becoming their personal guard. And now, the youngest Stark, barely a man at twenty, had been named Hand of the King. It was a stunning development, one that left many scrambling to understand the rapid rise of this northern family.

The proclamation had been issued by King Viserys in the dead of night, a letter sent to the council, confirming the appointment of the youngest Hand in the history of Westeros. Many found it difficult to accept, unsure of what this would mean for the balance of power at court. But amidst the uncertainty, there was one person whose heart swelled with satisfaction: Queen Alicent.

Alicent had played her cards well, positioning herself and her allies exactly where she wanted them. The machinations behind the scenes had been exhausting, not the least of which involved keeping Viserys content, a task she found increasingly unbearable. Seducing her so-called husband had been nothing short of a trial, but it was necessary to achieve her aims. She had borne the weight of it with steely resolve, even if it left her feeling hollow.

That morning, however, did not start as she would have liked. After last night’s calculated maneuvering, Viserys had been uncharacteristically affectionate. He held her hand at breakfast, spoke to her in a soft, overly sentimental tone that grated on her nerves. The king’s sudden clinginess was infuriating; he was playing the part of the doting husband, but to Alicent, it was just more bullshit, as she often thought of it.

But as the day progressed, a familiar warmth began to flood her senses. Daemon was close. She could feel the pull of their connection growing stronger, and with it, the corners of her lips twitched in a subtle smile. The prince had returned.

Down in the throne room, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Crowds gathered as the rogue prince made his way toward the Iron Throne. Daemon, freshly returned from his victory over the Crabfeeder, looked every bit the warrior-king, though his appearance was, as always, unconventional. His hair had been cropped shorter, giving him a wild, almost rebellious edge, while a strange crown sat atop his head—fashioned from bamboo and seashells, a relic of his conquests across the Narrow Sea.

The crowd whispered among themselves, wondering if Daemon had come to claim more than just victory. He had declared himself King of the Narrow Sea, a title that unsettled many at court. Yet as Daemon reached the foot of the Iron Throne, he surprised everyone. Without hesitation, he removed the makeshift crown from his head and knelt before Viserys. The gesture was unexpected, a sign of submission from the man who had always seemed on the verge of rebellion.

"My crown, brother," Daemon said, offering it to the king. "For you are the true king of the Seven Kingdoms."

Viserys looked down at his brother, clearly moved by the public display. For a moment, the tension between them seemed to melt away, replaced by an unexpected tenderness. He reached down, pulling Daemon to his feet and embracing him tightly. It was a rare moment of brotherly affection, witnessed by all who had gathered in the throne room.

A celebration was announced in Daemon's honor, and preparations began almost immediately. But as the festivities unfolded, Alicent watched from the sidelines. She had no interest in Viserys' theatrics. Her mind was elsewhere, calculating the next steps in her delicate dance of power. As Viserys busied himself with his brother, she quietly slipped away, Helaena cradled in her arms.

The halls were quieter as she walked, her steps measured and deliberate. With every passing moment, the bond between her and Daemon grew stronger. Soon, they would meet again, and the games they played would continue. But for now, she savored the silence, knowing that her plans were well underway.

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