A Dance of Stars and Dragons

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The evening feast was in full swing, the grand hall of the Red Keep lit with hundreds of flickering candles, casting a warm golden glow over the lords and ladies gathered for the occasion. Servants weaved between the tables, carrying trays of roasted meats, sweet pastries, and flagons of wine. Laughter and idle conversation filled the air, but Alicent found none of it entertaining. Sitting beside Viserys, who hadn’t paid her or their children any attention, her mind wandered.

Aegon squirmed slightly in her arms, his bright violet eyes scanning the room curiously, while Sirion, her second-born, was cradled in the arms of Emily, his small hand curled tightly around a piece of her dress. Hermione sat beside her, gently rocking Teddy in her arms. The child was unusually calm tonight, his tuft of blue hair a stark contrast against Hermione’s soft lavender gown.

How much longer do I have to endure this? Alicent sighed internally, boredom creeping in with each passing minute. The feast was meant to be a celebration, but for her, it felt more like an endless cycle of watching others indulge while she sat here, disconnected from it all. Her husband, Viserys, remained absorbed in his discussions with the men at the far end of the table, his presence beside her a mere formality. He didn’t so much as glance at her or their children, his attention instead fixed on the politics of the realm.

Is this what Alicent’s life always was? A silent queen with nothing to offer but heirs? The thought of throwing herself from the highest tower briefly flitted through her mind, though she would never actually do it. Only the soft cooing of Aegon in her arms, his innocent curiosity about the world around him, kept her grounded in this moment.

But suddenly, across the hall, her gaze locked with that of Daemon Targaryen. His violet eyes were sharp, focused on her, a silent challenge brewing in their shared stare. For a moment, the feast seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in this tense standoff. Neither was willing to look away first.

Daemon’s slow approach across the hall was unmistakable—his intention clear. He was coming toward her, his gait confident, predatory even. Alicent’s pulse quickened slightly. She was no fool; Daemon was dangerous in his own way, and their rivalry had always simmered beneath the surface. But just as he neared, another figure intercepted him, cutting off his path.

“May I have this dance, my queen?” came the voice of Regulus Stark, extending his hand toward her.

Alicent blinked, surprised by the sudden appearance of Regulus, though she maintained her composure. Glancing toward Viserys, who offered nothing more than a smile—he didn’t care either way—Alicent nodded. Not that she needed Viserys’ permission, but part of her wanted to see how he would react. Seeing his indifference only confirmed her suspicions.

“Of course, scion Stark,” Alicent replied with a regal smile, gently sliding Aegon into Emily’s arms before placing her hand in Regulus’s awaiting one.

Across the hall, Daemon’s steps faltered for a moment. His brow furrowed in a mixture of surprise and irritation, though he recovered quickly, turning on his heel and approaching Rhaenyra instead. It was as if this had been his plan all along, but Alicent knew better. Their eyes met once more as Regulus led her to the dance floor, and she couldn’t resist the smirk tugging at her lips. There was clear amusement in her gaze—she had won this round, and Daemon knew it.

The music began, a soft waltz filling the air as couples took to the floor. Regulus guided her with ease, his steps smooth and practiced, the distance between them formal yet comfortable. Daemon and Rhaenyra danced nearby, their movements equally graceful, though Alicent could feel Daemon’s eyes straying toward her more often than not.

For a few moments, silence reigned between her and Regulus, the only sounds the swish of their clothes and the murmur of the crowd. But Alicent, never one to let an opportunity pass, broke the quiet.

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