The Debt

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Eva's heart pounded in her chest as she huddled in the corner of the bed, knees drawn up tightly against her body. The dim light from the bedside lamp flickered, casting long shadows across the room, but none more menacing than the figure standing in the doorway.


His silhouette was sharp and imposing, blocking out what little light seeped through the door. Eva's breath caught in her throat as she watched him, every muscle in her body tensing. She wasn't sure if she should speak, move, or even breathe. The air in the room seemed to thicken, suffocating her in the silence.

She had seen this before-the cold detachment in his eyes, the way his lips pressed into a hard line, devoid of any emotion. Sanji was a man who didn't care for words, and his presence alone was enough to send a chill down her spine. He had never needed to raise his voice to make her feel small, to make her feel powerless. And now, standing there, he didn't need to say anything at all.

Her fingers trembled as she gripped the blanket tighter, trying to steady herself. She knew what was coming. He'd said as much earlier-his quiet, controlled tone still echoed in her ears: "You'll give me what I'm owed." There was no mistaking his meaning. It wasn't just about money anymore.

He took a slow step forward, his boots heavy against the wooden floor. The sound made her flinch. He was closing the distance between them, and Eva's mind raced, desperately searching for a way out, an excuse, anything to stall him.

But she had nothing. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.

"Look at me," he commanded, his voice low and rough, but calm in a way that terrified her more than if he had yelled.

Eva couldn't move. She kept her gaze fixed on the blanket bunched in her fists, trying to focus on anything other than the man now looming over her. But she could feel his eyes on her, waiting, expecting. Her body betrayed her, shivering under the weight of his gaze.

"I said, look at me."

His voice was harder this time, a threat lurking beneath the surface.

Slowly, fearfully, Eva lifted her eyes to meet his. The moment their gazes locked, she wished she hadn't. His grey-blue eyes were cold, piercing, and devoid of any softness. They were the eyes of a man used to getting what he wanted, by force if necessary.

Her throat tightened, and her heart hammered so loud she thought he might hear it. He stepped closer, his hand reaching out, and Eva recoiled instinctively, her body curling further into itself. She knew this man was dangerous. He had made it clear from the moment he entered her life.

"Don't be scared, Eva. It's just me," Sanji said, his voice softer, but with an edge that hinted at his unpredictability. "I won't hurt you... if you cooperate."

Her breath quickened at his words, the thin veneer of calm doing little to assuage her fear.

"I... I don't want any trouble," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Trouble?" He scoffed, crossing his arms, the flicker of a smirk on his lips, barely visible in the dim light. "You're the one who owes me. You made a deal, remember?"

Eva pressed her back against the wall, trying to find her voice. "I-I'll get you the money... Just give me time."

"Time?" he echoed, a chilling laugh escaping his lips. "You think time will save you?" He took another step closer, looming over her.

With a swift motion, he reached out, his fingers wrapping around her throat, not in a gesture of violence, but as a means of anchoring her to him, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"Do you understand the weight of what you owe?" His voice was low, laced with an intoxicating mix of danger and desire. The pressure of his grip was firm but not painful, a silent promise that he could take her breath away if he chose.

Eva felt a shiver run down her spine, a thrill coursing through her veins. There was something almost electrifying in his touch, a blend of fear and fascination that pulled her closer, even as her instincts screamed to flee.

"Sanji..." she breathed, the name escaping her lips like a plea and a challenge. The air between them was thick with unspoken words, a web of attraction and animosity woven into the fabric of their relationship.

He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear, sending a wave of heat through her body. "Don't mistake my intentions. You owe me, and I intend to collect."

With that, he released her, leaving her breathless and yearning, caught in a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume her. The line between danger and desire blurred, and she knew this dance was far from over.

"You see what I can do?" he asked, his eyes glinting with a mixture of challenge and something deeper. "You're lucky I haven't lost my patience yet."

Eva's eyes widened in fear, her heart racing. She felt trapped in his gaze, the power emanating from him overwhelming. "Sanji... please, don't do this," she begged, instinctively shrinking back.

"You're afraid of me?" He stepped closer, leaning in, his voice dropping to a low growl. "Good. You should be. But remember, I'm not the monster you think I am. Just... don't test me."

As he backed off slightly, she felt the weight of his stare linger, the mix of fear and confusion swirling in her mind. She was terrified, but there was something else, an inexplicable pull toward him that she couldn't shake off.

Sanji's expression softened, just for a fleeting moment. "Stay still," he said, a hint of something unidentifiable in his tone.

The tension hung thick in the air, and Eva's heart raced as she grappled with her conflicting emotions. She was scared of him, yet there was an undeniable intensity that drew her in. In that moment, trapped between fear and fascination, Eva knew her life was about to change forever.

After that he lit his cigarattes and took a blow and the grey smoke filled in the room with a scoff "Did i hurt you or something" Eva's eyes flickering to him as he asked her with a confusing tone and she said "No... But"

He walks towards her as his cigarates are still on his lips "But... You didn't pay off my debt.. And don't think I'll forget it.. Just because you're scared right now" He turns around and put the cigaratte on the floor and steps into it looks back at her again she's sacred "Scared little bitch.. Can't even look into my eyes... How the hell did you borrow the money" with a darkened eyes he looks at her as he leans on the wall and she looks down at the floor "Its just i- i do want to pay bu-but.. They gave me zo-"

He cuts her off in the halfway "That greenette of course i know.. He's the one who always gaves everyone the money even if it's a dog asks him with a softened expression..." He huffs and with annoyed expression 'I just wanna kill that bastard but without him the company doesn't run properly (although he don't like zoro but deep inside he cares about him but never shows it)
After that he sat on the chair and looks at me with darkened eyes without saying anything a smirk forms in his lip..

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