After The Party

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The room had quieted down, the lively energy of the party fading as the last of your colleagues departed. Luffy and Usopp had already collapsed in exhaustion from the games and dancing, leaving you with just Sanji. Zoro had stepped out, muttering about Luffy and Usopp possibly wrecking the car, which left you and Sanji alone in the dimly lit space.

You stood across from him, your heart pounding as you locked eyes with him. Those cold, grey-blue eyes that once terrified you now seemed less intimidating. The first time you met him, you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him, fearing his sharp words and demanding presence. But now, here you were, standing confidently in front of him.

Sanji, too, was different. His usual stoic, distant expression hadn’t fully softened, but something in his gaze had shifted. There was a curiosity, a hint of something deeper behind that cold exterior, though he masked it well.

"You're still here," Sanji said, his voice calm, though his eyes studied you with quiet intensity. "Most people would be gone by now."

You swallowed, trying to push away the nerves that crept in, and gave him a small smile. "I didn’t expect to be the last one standing either," you replied, your voice more steady than you expected. "But... I wanted to thank you."

Sanji raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Thank me?" His tone carried a mix of confusion and skepticism.

"For everything," you continued, meeting his gaze fully now. "From the moment I owed you... I never thought I’d be standing here, part of the team, let alone in this position. You've always been so cold, but..." You paused, feeling the weight of your words. "I know there’s more behind it."

Sanji’s lips tightened into a thin line, his gaze unreadable as he listened. He didn’t respond immediately, and the silence between you stretched, heavy but not uncomfortable.

"You've come a long way," he said finally, his voice low, almost as if he was admitting it to himself. "But don’t mistake this for something it’s not, Eva. Business is business. And debts... they need to be paid."

His words stung, a reminder of the cold front he maintained, but something in his eyes told you he wasn’t entirely indifferent. You nodded, accepting the reality of his statement, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that beneath it all, there was more to Sanji than he let on.

"Even so," you said softly, "I’m grateful."

The two of you stood in that shared silence, the air between you thick with unspoken thoughts. For the first time, you felt like you understood him, at least a little bit. And as you stood there, looking into his eyes, you couldn’t help but feel that this moment was just the beginning of something neither of you fully grasped yet.

Sanji’s body stiffened the moment you stepped closer. His gaze sharpened, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. He wasn’t used to moments like this—vulnerability, connection. He hesitated, the tension between you growing thicker.

"Eva..." he started, his voice low and guarded.

But something in your eyes must have softened his resolve, even if just for a moment. He didn’t step back, didn’t reject the gesture outright. His hand twitched at his side, as if debating what to do with himself.

"Do whatever you want," he muttered, his tone still cold but lacking its usual sharp edge.

You leaned in carefully, wrapping your arms around him, feeling the stiffness in his posture. For a second, he didn’t move, as if unsure how to respond. Then, with a barely perceptible shift, he raised a hand, his fingers brushing your back lightly, as though testing the waters of this unfamiliar terrain.

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