A Big Surprise

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As the day unfolded, Sanji found himself in a private meeting with Nami, Luffy, and Zoro in the discussion hall. They were brainstorming how to announce Eva’s promotion to Chief Human Resources Officer. Luffy, as always, was brimming with excitement and ideas.

"What if we surprise her?" Luffy exclaimed, bouncing on his seat. "I mean, make it a big deal! She deserves it after that incredible presentation."

Zoro leaned back, crossing his arms thoughtfully. "Yeah, but how do we get her here without raising suspicion? She’s been working hard, and we need her to be completely oblivious."

Nami chimed in, a sly smile on her face. "What if Sanji tells her to take the night shift? That way, she’ll come to the office at night when we’re all set up for the surprise."

Sanji, who had been quietly listening, raised an eyebrow. "You really think she’ll fall for that? Eva’s smart; she might catch on."

"But it’s worth a shot!" Luffy insisted. "Just tell her there’s an important project to discuss or something. When she walks in, we’ll all be here to celebrate her new role."

With a reluctant nod, Sanji agreed. "Alright, I’ll talk to her. But you guys better be ready to make this place look amazing."

As they finalized their plans, excitement buzzed in the air. The C-suite members began gathering supplies to decorate the discussion hall. Balloons, banners, and streamers filled the space, all while Zoro, Nami, and Luffy exchanged lighthearted banter.

Meanwhile, Sanji headed to Eva’s office, trying to mask his own anticipation. He knocked lightly on her door, and when she looked up, her eyes brightened with curiosity.

"Hey, Eva. I need to talk to you about something important," he said, keeping his tone serious.

Eva tilted her head slightly, her brow furrowing. "What’s going on?"

"I need you to take a night shift for a while," Sanji said, forcing his expression to remain neutral. "We have a project that needs your attention."

She studied him for a moment, sensing the oddity in his request. "A night shift? For how long?"

"Just a week or so. It’s crucial," Sanji replied, maintaining eye contact, his heart racing at the prospect of the surprise.

"Alright, if you think it’s necessary," Eva agreed, still puzzled but trusting his judgment.

"Good. Just be ready tonight," he added, a faint smile threatening to break through his usually composed facade.

As she nodded and turned back to her work, Sanji felt a rush of relief. The plan was set into motion.



As Sanji left Eva’s office, Zoro leaned against the wall, arms crossed, a smirk on his face. "Nice job, Sanji. You actually managed to sound convincing. I thought for sure she’d see right through you."

Sanji shrugged, trying to play it cool. "It’s all about keeping a straight face. Besides, she trusts me, and I wanted to keep it under wraps until the big reveal."

Nami chimed in with a teasing grin, "Who knew the cold CEO could pull off such an act? You should consider a career in theater!"

Luffy bounced with excitement, "Yeah! You should take up acting! But only if you can make the food afterward!"

"Or you could just cook for us while acting," Zoro added, chuckling.

Sanji chuckled at their playful banter, feeling a swell of pride for pulling off the deception. "Alright, alright. Just remember, the real show starts tonight when Eva walks in.

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